I liked the first season

I really liked the first season of JoA. It was a fresh new show with an unusual plot and great subtle humor. Unfortunately starting with the very first show of the second season I no longer liked it. By mid-season I was either switching channels or just turning the TV off. It was like the show had taken on a darker theme. I liked and still do like Amber and the other actors in this series. I don't think the writers and producers did right by the show. it was a hit in it's first year yet it only lasted a short time.


I like the first half of the first season.

You saw Dingleberries?


I didn't like the second season as well.


Kind of going along with the lesser opinions of season two, it's been a while since I watched the series but I do recall for some reason thinking the father character turned into a jerk during the second season.
