
Just finished watching "Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot".

When Lou kneels over Lawrence's body in Freewald's uniform, the camera zooms in on his name tag. Just above the name tag is a pin worn by Canadian paratroopers ... hardly something an American general would wear. He might have had one based on some kind of joint manoeuvres but it wouldn't be worn on a day-to-day basis.


Mid-watching "Blackout"....

When the girlfriend injects herself with the nanites, she swings her arm down and breaks the side of the table clear off. A second later, there's only a 'punch hole' through the table.

A few minutes later, Jake's on a foot bridge with the guard rail around elbow height (comfortably below his center of gravity). He faints and falls UP over the guardrail, into the water.
