Bruno the movie!

It has been comfirmed. Sacha is going to make a Bruno movie. What do people think?


I think it could work, but no way near as good as Ali/Borat.



I dont like Bruno much


I would LOVE that. When he was interviewing the gun nut and made the fat slob think that he was actually hitting on him? Genius. There is so much room to make fun of homophobes. I'm all for it.

Buy the ticket, take the ride. HST


Bruno is my favorite character.
And I'm so glad he went to Alabama for that Gun Club episode. I'm in AL and I have to deal with people like that every day. I hate homo-phobes. I get amused when others can share in the misery of my pain.

I read a few months ago that a Bruno movie was discussed, but they would only do it pending the box office results of Borat. So I am quite pleased Borat surpassed what they were expecting tri-fold (and rising).



I think that this movie would be just as great as the Borat movie and the Ali G movie. In fact about 2 months ago my friend and I were talking and I said that I hope there will be a Bruno movie, so finding this board made my day.


While Bruno is not always the funniest of the sketches, some of the best reactions are drawn from people who want to seem cool or fashionable. Could make for an interesting film...

Spartans! Tonight, we dine in Hell!


Meh I dont know it would just be about an hour and a half of Sacha Baron Cohen making people feel unconfortable. Bruno is definatly great for like the 9 minute sketches he does. Still would see it though


A movie about Bruno might not do so well but I can definitely picture a movie about him going to fashion shows and totally ripping on the fashion industry people.


I dig it. Bruno has a sinister edge to him that the other two characters don't. He's neither ignorant (Ali G) or naive (Borat), which could cause people to see him as mean. I think those issues are rendered moot due to Bruno being head-first into the fashion world. It's a world full of superficial people who deserve what they get; making Bruno the perfect foil.


And it has turn out to be a huge film. I am looking forward to watch it.
