How dare they?

Have the writers of this movie even read Wuthering Heights? Well, obviously they have which makes it even worse that they would destroy it and turn it into a garden variety teen movie. I was disgusted by this movie (by most Wuthering Heights movies actually.) Heathcliff raising Catherine's baby!!! No way would a purist ever EVER allow that to be written into the movie. If you actually read Wuthering Heights, it's quite clear that Heathcliff hates Catherine's daughter. I hate the way most Wuthering Heights movies just neglect the entire story that takes place after Catherine's death. That, to me, was where the real story was. For shame MTV!!!


Yeah, my English teacher made us watch this movie today after reading the book, and it was most definitely the biggest piece of crap I have ever seen. It makes me feel ashamed for Emily Bronte.


while i can understand your disgust in terms of how the movie actually relates to the book, you have to remember that this is simply interpretation of the story. it is loosely based around the theme and plot of the story, but because it is only an interpretation you shouldn't expect it to be the exact same as the story. when you watch this movie you should take it for what it MTV version. i mean come on....enough said.


Thank you for letting us know you were going to spoil the plot, joemystery, you are an idiot, its an adaptation aimed at teenagers who probably have'nt read the book, not at purist fans of the novel.


Amen! Joe, you're a fool


I love wutherining height i think this movie wasn't as bad as you people make it sound like. I do prefer the book a million times more. I think it was nice to see real lookining teenagers playining this part. May be one day i could produce a true version of wutherining height's with real teenagers.


"...its an adaptation aimed at teenagers who probably have'nt read the book, not at purist fans of the novel. "

That it is a poor excuse that basically means that MTV made this movie because the US' education is rubbish.

Trust me, your excuse is no better than stating that.

To a new world of gods and monsters!
- Dr. Pretorius, Bride of Frankenstein


"...its an adaptation aimed at teenagers who probably have'nt read the book, not at purist fans of the novel. " ok what kind of person, i wonder, would ever argue this point? When you make a movie and use someone elses story you cater to the ideas expressed by the author not the interests of a bunch of morons. if you want your own story for you and your simpleton friends you write it.


So if its loosely based, how could they dare to give it the name of the original masterpiece. And as for Heathcliff raising Cathy's baby.. thats unbelieveable, and completely untrue. It shouldnt even have happened.

I don't intend to see this americana, commercialised piece of rubbish.

"Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?"


it was good ofcourse it's ganna be different mtv made it there own version


Darthette: youre better off!

i was forced to watch this, and I have to say, it was the WORST film i ever had to see.

my biggest problem? Heathcliff was actually nice in the movie. Instead of taking the theme of vengence, the creators turned it into a sappy, powderpuff romance for teens.


I'm watching it now, it is a bit bad. It's only been on for an hour... Hendrix/Hindley? Wtf?!?
