Funny!? Really?!

I'm not here to bash people who liked this movie, but you guys REALLY think it was funny? I thought it was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. That is, got really funny after the 50 minute mark when we shut it off...


Yeah, it was a bad movie made worse by the talented people involved. Branson is to Music as White Coats is to Comedy. This is where once talented respected comedians go to die.


It was very hit and miss, but mostly just miss. A couple of pretty funny parts divided among a lot of not funny parts. Definately a little (very little) bit better if drunk when watching.


I think what really ruined it was all the urban legends that they put in. Everyone's heard them so many times that no matter what happened, you knew where the movie was going (i.e. the girl performs oral sex and right after, they're conveniently doing mouth swabs, or they go to the strip club and the same girl is working there). it just made it a lot less funny made it feel like i had seen this movie 30 times.
