'My Reason'

Hello :)
I recently saw Modigliani and loved it! I was only aware that the film existed because I watch the Classic FM music channel - the theme for Modigliani called 'My Reason' by Keedie is played on it and I loved this song and when it showed clips of the film I thought I'd enjoy that too.
Anyway...I was just wondering if anyone had this song up for download? I love it and I rarely get to hear it! :( Thanks in advance!


I have the song and much of the soundtrack. I was a little more lucky then you because the film was made in my country so everyone was very excited about it and it had it's premier in the cinema, like it should be. I would like to give you the soundtrack if you want. Here is my yahoo address: loredana_ghidarcea.


Ooh yes please :) that would be great - I have MSN so what will I do with your address?
