MovieChat Forums > Modigliani (2004) Discussion > Question about the scene in prison.

Question about the scene in prison.

I just saw the movie this afternoon, I like it, but I don't understand this particular scene. The scene is that Modi goes to a prison to see his friend, who's tied in strings and cannot hug Modi. The scene after this is the birthday party, and Picasso says he bailed Modi out. How come? The prisoned one is Modi's friend, not Modi. Why did Picasso say so? Also, when Modi converses with his friend, their interaction is very delicate, is there any gay love involved? Because on the list of the very end of the movie, I saw one line says "androgynous man," and I wonder if this refers to the man in the prison. Someone helps me with this scene? thanks.


You misunderstood. Modi is in prison because he was caught with a prostitute, taking drugs. Picasso paid his bail, and when his friend picked him up he told him that his other friend was in the asylum again, so he went to see his friend before he saw Picasso again.

As for the gay love, I don't know any historic facts about Modigliani, but I think they were just good friends and back then not such homophobes that they were afraid to be labelled as "gay" just by kissing someone on the cheek. I figure the "androgynous man" might have been someone from Picasso's posse.
