MovieChat Forums > Toolbox Murders (2004) Discussion > wow! Tobe Hooper directed! doesn't mean ...

wow! Tobe Hooper directed! doesn't mean it's good...

I mean, who gives a flying F if Tobe Hooper directed it. I don't give a damn. This movie was godawful. Me and my brother had to watch the first half one night and the second half the next, because, it was too boring and stupid to watch it all at once. Still, I didn't want to waste the rental. What's weird, though, is that this movie isn't even that long to begin with and we still had to split it. I don't think I have ever given a movie a 1 on here, because, no matter how bad a movie can be, I always find at least one thing redeemable to give it at least a 2 rating. But, not this. I had to give it a 1. They don't even try to build up any creepiness or suspension. The killer doesn't play games with his victims before killing them or giving them a good chase scene to help build the suspension. He just pops out of nowhere and kills a person. Big wow! And, the plot had to be one of the most ridiculous plots I have ever known in a film. Still, if you're one of those who like those stupid Z horro films on the SciFi Channel, I can see how you'll like this. Now, here's one of the main problems that I have right now. It's, well, how did this movie get a freaking 5.5 rating? That's way too high. How could this get such a high rating and Stay Alive get only a 3.6? Don't get me wrong, Stay Alive was definitely nothing special, but, it was way better than this. It at least tried to build up the suspense. I say that if you want to see a good slasher about a retarded/freaky killer who kills people in a sleeping headquarters of some sort, than watch See No Evil. It had all the blood this had and maybe some more. Good suspension build up. Creepy atmospheres. And, it didn't have a ridiculous plot like Toolbox Murders did. I'm sorry, but, I just can't rate it good just because Tobe Hooper directed and Angela Bettis starred. This gets a big 1 from me.

I mean it is bad. Ya know. Like bad as in bad. Like, I'm bad, Jamal, you know it. -Elvira, M.O.T.D.


I enjoyed it,it was far better than the original Toolbox Murders.


Stev-1980, why don't you go suck some cock perhaps... then you won't like it.


Wow... what an intelligent argument.

Come. It is time to keep your appointment with the Wicker Man...


i totally agree, stay alive was way better. i thought toolbox would've been alright when i first read about it.
it was really frustrating cos half the time it was too damn dark to see what was happening to the victim. and i'm sure somebody will say that adds to creepy atmosphere, but i didn't like it.
and they never really say who the killer is! grrr.


The original Toolbox Murders at least had a reasonable plot and was even loosely based off of a true story. This *beep* Tobe Pooper Remake has nothing redeeming about it. The deaths are too quick and random, and the killer doesn't even turn out to be any of the main characters. He is just some random retard who came out of effing nowhere. Oh and he is apparently invincible...very much unlike the killer in the original.

What Tobe Hooper did to The Toolbox Murders is in the exact same thing as what Rob Zombie did to Halloween...He butchered it to all hell.




It's the best film Hooper made post-TCM 2 (1986). A return to form of sorts.

The only real issues with it are the clearly low budget and cheap film/digital stock it was shot on.

Take this story, the gore, the tension and give it superior production qualities and it would be a great Horror film.
