
Cxu iu ajn scias io ajn pri tio filmo, specifike pri la Esperanto, kiu menciigxis supere?

Does anyone know anything about this movie, specifically, about how much Esperanto is used in it and why? At this time, virtually nothing is said about the movie above.


I don't know if there's actually any Esperanto in this film or not. If there is, I suspect that it is minimal. A google search on "Thief of Time" and "Chris Eyre" reveals that this is an episode in PBS's "Mystery" series, featuring two native american police officers. More info about the movie is at


There is no Esperanto used in this film. It is set on and around the Navajo Nation in the Four Corners region (NM, AZ, CO, UT), and there are three languages spoken: English, Spanish, and Navajo.


Definitely Navajo not Esperanto although the main characters are not played by Navajo. There is actually very little Navajo spoken in the film.


I watched it through twice: No Esperanto. Then I thought maybe someone in the tent revival scene was "speaking in tongues".........but no dice.

IMDB is mistaken about the Esperanto in the film.
