MovieChat Forums > Swades: We, the People (2004) Discussion > you will love this movie if......

you will love this movie if......

you will love this movie if you like
1) a thousand morals being thrust upon you every five minutes.
2) every cliche' in the history being used in one movie.
3) half hour worth of story being shown in three hours.
4) sharukh talk at a nasa news conference and have no idea what he is talking about.
5) enjoying every scene in a movie which is on the cinema screen within the movie (and have amir khan kick sharukh's ass as a kid actor in that)
6) figuring out what will be the last scene in the first few minutes.
7) rehman copying his own work and make it off as new music...and then help the movie seem even longer and boring then it already is.
8) actors with side roles perform better then the leads.

Boy, the next word that comes out of your mouth better be some brilliant *beep* Mark Twain *beep*


Sorry you didn;t like the movie. But not everyone has to like the same thing. I could respond to each item but do not see the point since I am not Samuel Clemens.

'A wed wose, how womantic'


Thank you, I was so desperately trying to figure out why I liked the film, so now I know. Thank you for explaining it to me.
