Mohan and light

Light is used symbolically in this film in a similar way to water, don't you think, only not quite as ambiguously.

Coming from the twinkly lights of Washington DC, which Mohan sees from his penthouse apartment at the start of the film, to the inky blackness of the Charranpur he begins on his mission to 'light a bulb', and spread enlightened development.

Mohan brings his own source of water, and also light, with him so he can work without interruptions in his motorhome. We see him sitting at his table there, when the rest of the village is in darkness, in a virtual bubble, for anyone to look in whilst he himself can not see out at those around him. The plastic bottle, the glass window both seal him from the culture that surrounds him.

He is not to be discouraged when the electricity goes off during the film show. Instead he begins to spread his message by getting the audience to look up at the lights in the sky, and see how together they make meaning. I love the song here. He gets most frustrated when he sees people sitting round their oil lamps another night when the electricity is off again. "You are actually starting to enjoy the darkness!" he shouts.

Finally, when he gets the turbine working the old lady's face is lit up and she sees the light, as do they all. Now Mohan dispenses with both his water bottles and his car battery.

Any more light imagery that I've missed?
