MovieChat Forums > Swades: We, the People (2004) Discussion > Hate the way it ended. (spoilers)

Hate the way it ended. (spoilers)

dont get me wrong it was a very good film. BUT that woman was totally stupid not to go with Shahrukh back to America. Now instead of living the good life on a NASA salary, they going to be struggling on that damn farm for the rest of their lives. SRK’s character, like an idiot decided to give all that up for this stupid woman. And what did he get in return? She didn’t love him as much as she did that village otherwise she would of chosen to follow him. He loved her so much that he gave all that up for her. Not a fair exchange if you ask me.


I'm surprised to hear that with your arguments for not liking the film, you still call it a "very good film". Because imho, you didn't understand one bit about the whole movie.


I’m assuming by that comment, that you know every single bit about this movie! Enlighten me.


Parallels with Dil se here - Meghna too loves Amar but cannot give up her "mission" for him. Love may not be paramount and the be all of existence for everyone, principles amount to a lot too.


You right, but i was more irritated by his choice. She made it perfectly clear, that she loves him, but that he comes second. Which is fine I suppose when you talking about principal. But he could of still left her, and that would of taken nothing away from the message of the film, because the reason he came back was not because he wanted to make a difference or contribution, it was because he loved her. In fact it probably took something away from the point of the film because by him staying, you could argue that he chose love over what he wanted to do. But I suppose it’s a movie after all and you need that happy ending.


But he did not chose love over what he wanted to do, he thought he needed to do more for the homeland and his love being there was an added draw... This was pretty clear in his conversation with his NASA friend, his boss saying go light your bulb...


"I have a few ideas.

- Like?

I couId be a Project Manager for

Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre.

I can... I can work in tandem

with NASA from there.

There's a Iot to be done there. "


hudders08, is English a second language for you? I have said in other places that I automatically deduct credibility points for every spelling or grammar error in someone's comment.
Love for the girl wasn't the only thing that drew him back. The whole movie showed how deeply he was affected by everything he saw in India, and it finally subsumed his Western life. He loved the people, the tradition, and the bad and good that permeated the life of the villagers. He found meaning and purpose.


hudders08.....its not about being rich or staying in a foreing country working for a big organisation.

If u had understood the story of swades....u would have surely agreed with SRK's decision to come back.....the best ending anyone could have given to the movie with due respect to the story told so far(before the climax).

And a happy ending would be such tht his naani and his lover go with him to americaq,which never happenend..!!!

Such an ending was given so as to give a wake-up call to all those indians who have given up their motherland and embraced "VIDESH"!!!!


IMHO, the whole point is that there are a million small things which add up to build the love for your mother land. A girlfriend, familiar people, satisfaction from knowing that you are contributing back and probably a million other things which can never all be captured. (The title song's lyrics perfectly word these emotions). By showing that SRK's character chooses love over a promising career, the movie amazingly adds to the realism of SRK's character. He has weaknesses of his own, he's not perfect and its not his ideals or principles which make him the hero. In the end, its the real, small things in life which make him realize how much he will miss if he goes back and influence his decision. I think, most of us can identify with these things. Its not about making objective choices. Its about love and a whole lot of mixed up emotions.

That line in the title song: 'Yu toh saare sukh hai barse, par door tu hai apne ghar sey...'. That, I think is the jist of it all. Simple, Grounded in reality and true....


Yeah its stupid, with the money hes earning he could set up an organisaton to do something and once in a while, he could travel back for a few weeks to make sures its all okay.

But as many have said, its the journey that counts, because you could see the ending coming from a mile off.


u have completely misinterpreted the's about the love and patriotism one gets for their own country...the love he has with gita is just a part of the bigger picture...the main message that is bring brought through this film is that nothing beats the love and passion one has for their own country and people...hence the title 'we the people'...


Is it so wrong to leave for greener pastures? It all sounds very nice this 'unity' thing, but thats only in a perfect world.


No it is not wrong to leave for greener pastures, many of us have done that. What Swades does is bring home to us the fact that perhaps it is time to do something to improve things in the homeland. If I am a desi then I need to be making a dfference, if I am an NRI I can still make a difference even without going back.


Yea i agree, the ending was stupid, he should've gone back to the US. He could always come back for a couple of weeks and help out randon villages or make generous donations. One doesnt have to live in India to contribute...

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.


He just bluffed himself that he was going back to make a difference, that woman had him whipped.


A shout of "Krreegah Bundolo" would go very well with that statement...


guys, it isnt about love in this film. its about
LOVE FOR THE COUNTRY, thts the theme. if the hero gave more importance to his salary in NASA it would have disrupted the theme of the film.
for tht hwe had to go back HOME, to his SWADES.
hope its clear now.


well put indeed - it was never about the woman.


I think you didn't quite understand the ending. He did love her, and she was a factor for him coming home, but the fact was that he loved India, his real home.
I know a lot of people, including my relatives didn't quite digest this ... but i could totally relate to it. I have been studying in the UK for almost 4 years now ... and even though I have had the time of my life, I cannot wait to get back home and contribute towards the development of my homeland.
I know a lot of people would think why would Indians working in the US/UK ... land of opportunities come back to India ... where there isn't much opportunity. But my friend, you only realize India's worth, meaning, warmth when you go away from her.
I too had thought that there wouldn't be any scope for me back in India ... but I know now, that I cannot begin to imagine my life outside my country!
I hope many more young, bright, intelligent Indians (like Mohan) come back to their motherland and uplift the social and rural state of our lovely country!




I think you completely misunderstood the whole point of the movie. The detriment India faces with corruption, poverty and the caste system is something Mohan realised when he went to see the farmer who was outcasted due to his change in occupation. Gita didn't go with Mohan because she is working on the grass roots level to ensure her parent's school is kept well. The movie isnt about money...

...wait do you even know what Swades means?


Yeah, I think she had her own moral obligations and instead of going away for better opportunities, she wanted to stay with the gift she possessed. As for Mohan, he was already earning the money, had his citizenship, and even a prestigious title, but that all did not amount to the day to day joy he had working with the village, and being with the woman he loved. The big plus is that she loved him, so he knows that he can be with her.

He can go back to the US when they have kids, but I doubt he would really consider it. People still change.


Because money is the most important thing in a person's life right?

Clearly, Swades shows us that people who have very little can be happy too, many times, happier than people with more. The woman is a very small sub plot in the film, and his decision to stay in India is not caused mainly by her, but rather his change in outlook of his country.

I know many people say that he can help by living in the US and going there sometimes, or sending money or whatever, but it's not the same. Maybe once he has something established, then he can choose to delegate the responsibilities to others, but right now, he has to build from the bottom and for that, he needs to be there. Plus, he genuinely was passionate about teaching the farmers all that he knew. One less scientist for NASA means a whole part of a country becoming more developed.
You don't need money to make money.
