O.K. film, but...

"Fateless" is an interesting case…

At the Berlin Film Festival it was badly received.
Actually it only got into competition because at the last moment another film couldn't be shown,
so they had a slot to fill.

The American reviews on the other hand are excellent.
A strong contrast to the initial reception.

I read it did good business in Hungary, but in most countries it didn't.

As uneven as the reception of this film is the film itself.

It has strong points:
The cinematography, some of the acting, the mood…but the script trivializes a great book
and misses the unique tone of it.

And how the hell did they let Ennio Morricone go 'full Italo cheese' with the score?
It's one of the most annoying scores ever.

A mediocre film at best, a missed opportunity.

Kertesz should be grateful for a work of art like "Schindler's List".

It's superior in every way to this.
