MovieChat Forums > Saint Ange (2004) Discussion > Subtitled ediiton of the French language...

Subtitled ediiton of the French language version?

Most folks know by now that this film was shot in both French (Saint Ange) and English (House of Voices) versions. The English version actually suffered from additional dubbing (notice how the children sound like grown women imitating the voices of children).

I bought the double disk Canadian dvd that features both versions of the film, and while it advertised having subtitles... all subtitles are on the English version while there are absolutely no subtitles of any sort on the French version. The English version has French subs but the French version has no subs. Real cute. The English version is actually cropped from the original 2:35.1 as well. Returned it for a full refund.

Does anyone know where to get an English subbed version of the French "Saint Ange" film?

They mostly meet me at the waterfront after the social... mostly.

