visually lush movie

It was beautiful to watch, each scene was like a work of art. I could have turned the volume off and still enjoyed it. The psychological aspect was left open to speculation. Spooky, intriguing, weird French movie. I really liked it.

I think there were ghost children. Anna was nuts, and became obsessed (possessed?)with learning the truth. She died trying, then herself, a torture soul, became a ghost. The upside is her tragic life and death were not in vain, now she could mother those torture children trapped within the walls and nether regions of that gorgeous building.


why was the orphanage closed?

did the boy in the first scene die?

who killed the kittens?

can you really effectively bind down a pregnant pouch?

what the heck was Helenka yelling behind the door?

why was that nun such a terrible actress?

thank you


Absolutely agree. This movie was gorgeously shot. Now about that plot . . .


I'm throwin' my lot in with you guys.
This film was absolutely beautiful... TO LOOK AT.
As for the plot... Well... I didn't care for it all that much...

Trust me,
My, you're nosey, aren't you?
