The Eyes

I kind of thought Judith looked like Anna in the end. I am still confused though, what was the deal with the eyes?


There seems to be a few 'eye' mysteries... There's the obvious, Anna's white eyes at the end. There's the odd drawings (which have one big round eye and one flat line eye). And, I believe you can see at the end that Judith's eyes are two different colors (her right eye looks greenish while the left is brown), though I could have been mistaken about that.

I don't know if these are related or just coincidental. Someone had mentioned on another thread about Nazi eye-color experiments, which could be what they were aiming for. Or, Anna's eyes could just be symbolic of her being dead, and the rest just accidental.


Hey, dont push things too much, fellas!!!

Judith character shows two diff' colors eyes, but this have nothing to do with the movie, is just the actress eyes colours. Remember that scene is the first time we have an close up over Judith's face.

Anna's white eyes? Dont forget the veins. Is just to put her scary

Take care

Please Note: Just Read Intelligent Answers
DARN remakes!


The actresses eyes are both the same color.
The film tried to add something subtle but it came off as nonsensical.

We've met before, haven't we?


The Nazis experimented on changing the eye colour. The close-up of her eyes intended to draw attention to that, I suppose. A hint for the viewer to get what this movie is about.


When Judith is under the table in the hidden room her eyes are bright blue.

Cici: "Oh, I'm sorry my bad, I thought you were someone else".
Ghost Face: That's OK, I am"
