Original Translation

Not much can be said for the original 1969 translation of Pippi Longstocking however I'm not happy with the new translation and am nostalgic for the original. Anyone know where the original dubbed version of "the adventures of Pippi Longstocking" can be found?


How can anyone watch dubbed movies!? That's awful. Like incest somehow.


I just watch the Swedish version anyhow. The English dubbed one is hard to listen to as it gets annoying quickly. I had the same problem with Let the right one in, the English dubb needed help.


Is there a place where I can find the swedish version with english subtitles?


Not to mention that the two compilation films, PIPPI LONGSTOCKING and PIPPI GOES ON BOARD, are chiefly German rather than Swedish. (The Pippi series/movies were co-produced in Germany.) Although the second one was released theatrically in Sweden as HERE COMES PIPPI LONGSTOCKING, I don't think either film is on DVD there.

Also, the soundtracks are different. Especially the music scores. (The original Swedish TV series has a much cooler version of the theme song, which was sung by star Inger Nilsson, and the equally cool music score by Georg Riedel! Christian Bruhn rearranged the theme (and the other songs) in the German version, which is what you hear in pretty much all versions outside Sweden, along with a completely new score.) Riedel's scores in PIPPI IN THE SOUTH SEAS and PIPPI ON THE RUN are mostly intact, however!

In Sweden, the original 13-episode TV series (from which the above two films were derived) and the two original follow-up films, PIPPI IN THE SOUTH SEAS and PIPPI ON THE RUN, are available on DVD (and the latter two were recently released on Blu-Ray there).


i prefer the original really really really bad american dub of the 70s as well.
