the real Led Zeppelin

I have heard on one of my local radio stations for a long time now that Led Zeppelin lyp synched. They said that they wasn't the musicians who recorded the music. I just want to know if it is true or not. OH! This was not an April Fools Joke, the talk about this issue a lot.


Where on earth do you live? Because you recieve some seriously messed up radio stations.

On some of the videos (mainly the Immigrant Song on the DVD and the video that accompanied the Remastered release of Whole Lotta Love) it may seem it but thats only because the footage is a mix from several performances but with soundtrack from one.

The great thing about Zep was they weren't into all that fake stuff. You do get one video on the DVD extras which has Zep miming for a TV performance, but their reasons are explained with the video of another live performance where the TV engineers just didn't know how to record them and screwed it up.

Zep were all about live performance, and no song sounded the same live as it did on the albums (they were always longer, lyrics changed, as did mood sometimes, and Jimmy Page would have to use a 12-string electric throughout Stairway to Heaven) Some were good, some were bad and you can hear the difference more as time goes on. If you get the 3CD set "How the West Was Won" you can hear them performing live at their best. But if you see them perform at Live Aid, it still has the charisma but no one is that great in performing (granted Phil Collins steps in for Bonham - RIP).

Is your local radio station a Christian one at all? Maybe they are on a hate campaign due to the alleged Satanic messages in Stairway.


I agree. Basically, it'd be difficult to fake songs like Dazed and Confused, which is performed differently every time.

In the Led Zeppelin DVD, you can see a TV promo they where they lip sync Communication Breakdown, but that's it.


Funny you should mention that last bit. I actually heard a Christian station criticizing and putting down those people who claimed there were Satanic messages in Stairway. They were saying how shameful it was, and how stupid those people are. It actually made me quite glad.


someone seriously misinformed you. it should be clear from watching th performances and even reading interviews with Jimmy Page (he knows way too much about the music to be a fake) that this is the real deal.


Holy Crap dude, this is as far from the truth as east is from west. Zeppelin's live performances were rooted in improvisation, which is what makes them so exciting. Bonzo's drum fills, Percy's vocal lines, Jimmy's solos, and Jonsey's basslines change from show to show. I have approximately 70 shows, so I consider myself informed ;)


many people hate led zeppelin (deaf people of course) and many of them are radio guys. i was reading about how JPJ was listening to a guy on the radio saying "led zeppelin is fake, if you go to their concert tomorrow they will rip you off" and stuff like that so he calls the show and they ask "what do you wanna talk about", he replied "led zeppelin"


Lol, black5nake, that just made me like JPJ even more!
I may quote Wayne's World on people not liking Led Zep
"Led Zeppelin didn't write tunes everyone liked, they left that to the Bee Gees"

I, personally, think that if Led Zeppelin lip synched their songs, people would notice, especially when they are known by almost everyone. There is no way that they synched those songs
