DVD Cover

I was wondering what the significance of the cover is. The Desert and sand everywhere and then far out you see a kind of rock face mountain. Does anyone know what it represents


I've been trying to figure that out for over a year now, and I still have no clue. It looks cool, though.



It of course represents the West, as in "How The West Was Won".

It's rock formations in North America.


Yeah that does make sense. Zeppelin kind of explored new musical landscapes, which could be symbolized by the Western frontier.



That is ship rock. It's supposed to look like a ship coming up on the horizon but that's as you're going towards it. I don't think that that has anything to do with why they put it on the cover though.


I was wondering the same thing when I bought this DVD. My opinion, although it's probably wrong, is that the cover represents the vast desert land that is sung about in "Kashmir." I have seen from several sources over the years, that either Robert's or Jimmy's favorite Led Zeppelin song is "Kashmir," so it would make sense that they try to convey that on the cover. Just a thought.

Oh let the sun beat down upon my face.



A diamond in the rough.


either Robert's or Jimmy's favorite Led Zeppelin song is "Kashmir"

It's Robert's, I'm pretty sure. Jimmy's was "Stairway To Heaven".
