Which movie is your fave?

I saw the second movie yesterday, and felt that it was overwhelmingly better than the first one. I just wanted to gauge other fans' opinions; which movie they prefer, and why.

Personally, I felt that the first movie's plot was far too simplistic, and the second movie's too convoluted. ( : I guess there's just no pleasing me...still, I liked the special effects for "Castle Beyond the Looking Glass" much more than those of "Affections Touching Across Time." Less CGI grossness. And there was a bit more focus on Sango and Miroku, a couple I happen to adore, and more LOL moments than in the first. What do you guys think?

(P.S. I've heard the third movie is the best so far, so we'll probably be having this same conversation again in a few months, hehe...)

Remember what this world is made of: "LOVE & PEACE!!!" ^_^


Well, I absolutely love Kagura, so I think the 2nd one is my favorite, since there is alot of focus on her and Kan'na. Of course, the plot of the movie still somewhat confuses me... My second favorite though, has to be the 3rd movie.
But lord that 4th one...ugh that was bad! But that's just my opinion.

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