Wanted the 'bad guy' to win

I seriously hated every single character in this movie. But the Euro guy aka the guy who wanted to find this flower, I actually wanted to win and everyone else to die. The first guy to die was pointless, Annoying black guy...well thats the reason he should die. Other black guy was just unlikeable. Both women were bitching and acting all bipolar, the asian guy served almost no purpose in this film, and the "tough guy" always seemed to know what to do and when to do it in EVERY SCENE, I hate that. It got old fast. The "bad guy" wanted to actually accomplish something for the good of the world and make his billions (I would too), so I was rooting for him to kill everyone and get his money, cause by that time I had already hated everyone else.

j.j watson


yep, he was in the right, at least up to the point when he stone spidered his best friend. The survivors will have to live with the fact that millions of people will die unnecessarily young on account of their pedestrian short-sightedness.


Idiots like you should be sterile.


Idiots like you should be sterile. It's also very interesting that you felt the need to call two characters "the black guy" when the names are provided for you just one page before.

Any moron who thinks people deserve to die should meet that fate himself.
