Pingu on Bluray?

So when is a bluray coming with ALL episodes of Pingu including the specials?



Are you kidding me, the new dubs have a better title sequence, better sound and music, more voice acting.etc

E.G In the original "Incubating episode" when pingu is dancing to woodpeckers in space instead of the david hasslehoff theme song about himself, he hops on one leg. You see his mouth open, but he makes no sound. He then gets kicked by an egg, reels back in shock. Still no vocal emmisions from Pingu being heard, it's like he's a freaking mime.

The dubbed version fixes that. Mind you, I did enjoy seeing the original pingu and the seagull, the voice of the seagull kawing is so silly, it's like some drunk guy at a party trying to be annoying and funny at the same time.

And it was funny when pingu tries to insult the seagull and it takes a sh't on his foot, exclaiming "HAAH !" That part was better.
