Stan Hooper

Stan Hooper was a character the Norm played on SNL. He was the amnesia guy who thought his hot sister was his wife and his ugly wife his sister.


Yeah, I saw that one just recently, it was the one where that hot chick was hosting and the guy who types stuff on the screen keeps writing about how hot she is and later gets busted.




"'reading the news' skit?" It's "Weekend Update." It's been Weekend Update since Chevy Chase.


and isnt it peculiar its made by the same guy?


They also had a skit were Stan Hooper was the guy that drew what the unibomber looked like. He probably was just lazy and couldnt think of a name


Haha, the Ten-Gallon Hat Killer


I laughed my ass off in the episode called "The Hustler"... NINE BALL CORNER POCKET... And they never hit it...



I will NEVER forget that episode! This show was hilarious.
