I liked this

I thought this was a really decent show. The subject manager lends itself to some funny jokes, and I don't have a problem with them playing off stereotypes here, especially since they're doing it with both the gay and straight folks.

The characters all have a lot of potential. I'd watch again.





I despise this show. The blonde girl annoying and unfunny and i hate her most of all in this show, the gay couple might aswell be two room mates there's nothing 'gay' about them, the irish dad very lame, the irish mom frustrates me so much when she talks that i want to stab her, the irish son is just so dreary.

For the critics: lighten up & laugh! Forget all of this political correctness b.s. & worrying about hurting people's feelings. Laughter is the solution!

I dont dislike this because of it being unP.C. i dislike it because its luke-warm, middle of the road, dull tv.

If it wasn't for the fact there was nothing else on tv between Friends and That 70's Show, i wouldn't watch it.


I'd like to watch it, but it's not on TV in Germany yet :(


I Do Believe In Faeries, I Do I Do...


This shows been on in the UK and its really funny. Yeah its stereotypical but its funny and deserved to go on longer than it did.


Phil.No its Phillipe.you've gotta gay up everything.lol. i loved that show. the only thing that bugged me was the gay part in the show.But it was a great show and thats what made it funny. The dad of bobby was histerical.


i thought it was great too. the parents were all much more mature (acting wise) though than the kids who were quite "green"
