Hooray! I HATED THIS SHOW! Reasons: Whenever Danny tranforms, they try to make it look cool, but it's not. The Teacher shouting out book titles is annoying and stupid. The jokes are weak, the Box-Ghost is dumb and annoying. And the MOST ANNOYING THING, is when Danny fights a ghost, it's always the same riff from the Opening. And Dash, he calls Danny Fenton "Fentern". Oh yeah, BIG INSULT. I can think of WAAAAY funnier shows than this.


True, this is not a fun show! I don't really like the humor in it either, but it's a GOOD show! Every cartoon doesn't have to be fun and humorous! I like this show because of the story and the interesting characters!
One more thing that I feel like asking most trolls: If you think the show sucks so much, why do you even bother writing in the forum of it?

I had a hamster once, he commited suicide...


because that's my opinion of it. I'm glad you didn't like, "flame" me for it or anything. :)

(p.s did your hamster REALLY commit suicide?) :( that's soooo sad


Don't worry, I don't flame (which is quite funny, since I usually use the username Match)! I respect your opinion, even though I don't share it!

I had a hamster once, he commited suicide...


aww thank you! :)


I disagree, and quite enjoy the show.


Seems like if you don't like a show you don't have to be a jerk and celebrate when its over, just don't watch it. At least a show like Danny Phantom, its not like its huge and everyone is always talking about it. Now a show like American Idol, i can understand when someone may cheer when that final episode has aired.


Now a show like American Idol, i can understand when someone may cheer when that final episode has aired.


But sadly reality shows like this will never end. And good shows like Danny Phantom will slip away.
