the last episode?

Was last night 1/25/04 the last episode of this show? And if it was, oh no! This is a cool show and I hope it was just a season finale. Hopefully it's not cancled.


It isn't officially canceled at this point, but I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you. Earlier in the season, the ratings showed some promise, beating "American Dreams" some weeks; as the season wore on, however, they slacked off and the network cut its order back to 15 episodes (from 22). The show has very little going for it, so it probably won't be back.


that sucks. this is such a cool show.

<Eddie Guerrero says: "I LIE . . . CHEAT . . . AND STEAL!!!">


10-8 had the potential to be a great show
yet there was no pattern and the focus wasnt clear to me at all
this show needed to have a format and stock with it
to me i would have treated each episode as one day in training
6 mos could have been turned into 6 seasons easily
and the writing was mssing purpose
i felt that one week had passed in betwee shows but
in reality it did, but at the same time the show needed to have a feel to that it didnt
6 mos of training could be or have stretchec into 6 seasons
have one show tie into the other and have a consistent ongoing theme throughout each season, to where day 1 was eopsided 1 and day 2 was eopsiode 2. to me as each week passed by u felt that with the show, each show had nothing to with the others theme

i am a tv student and am in a writing class amd am learning how crucial wrting is
i am taling writing for telvsion right now and 10-8 was not consistent, funny but each episode had nothing to with each other and for some shows to work it must

24 gets it right, every episode is one hour if one day if 10-8 treat each eopised as one day and and tie itnto the next epiosde and took the audience in to "be trained" with the traineed it would have succeeded




Huh . . . ? I couldn't understand your post.

"If you're not cheating, you're not trying."~Eddie Guerrero


Man your in for something sad. It was cancelled however it could come to DVD maybe.

