
Cool ending to the game. Will there be a sequel? PLease so yes!


There better be!


I admit, i hope their is a sequel, but that will probably not happen. The ending probably meant that XII/Steve Roland/Jason Fly was killed right after that, so if there is a sequel, it will probably take place before this one, or you will play as a different character. Besides, what would they call the sequel? XIII-2?


XXVI maybe?


"Hmm, look at that cute little chipmunk."


You guys must not have read the caption at the end of the game. It said "To Be Continued." How could they say "To Be Continued and then not continue it. Remember, this was a french comic, and comics tend to have a lot of books. They couldn't fit the whole story in one game! If you're so anxious to find out how it turns out, find a site where you can buy the comic! How could you not understand the meaning of "To Be Continued"? By the way, I thoroughly enjoyed this game, and thta reveiw posted above is completely wrong. This game is awesome.



Sorry but there isnt going to be one, Im pissed at it too.



The XIII series could be picked up by another publisher, u know.


I doubt Jason Fly was killed. There was two men at the most armed only with pistols and the health bar was at 100%. If Fly ran he would have gotten to Carrington and Agent Amos who where both armed (Jones may have been also).


The President was right in front of him so he would've taken him hostage and then ran to Carrington, Amos and Jones and shown them 1's tatoo.


He's dead.


I just beat the game, and let me just say, that it is a great FPS game, unlike some other crappy, overrated X-box FPS game. Anyway, you guys mentioned that this is originally a comic book, so is there a website or something that has the continuation?


it only captures graphic novels nr. 1-5 & 8
jason fly lives (of courzzz) and discovers more and more about his past (for example being some kind of che guevara in a centralamerican country called "costa verde")

series is up to 16 now and nr 17 is expected in october ;)


Hated the ending. I knew as soon as I appeared on the dude's boat that he was the "final bad guy"...even worse. I hate video games that end just like that.

Loved the game play, style, and such. The beginning was a bit tough, only because you have no clue what is going on and where you are supposed to go.

