this game sux

while i know many of you like it i think it sucks


I like it and I hate it. Too god-damn frustrating with the lousy save-game system.


Evilgumby you didn't say why you hated it.I thought it was brill, good graphics, good story, good gameplay. The boss were tough but hell you expect nothing less


Exactly Cyclone you said everything i was going to say


Me too. It's a great game but the save game system is annoying.



I liked the game but I thought the boss' were easy.


What's the save game system like?

My site:


It's been awhile since I played, but I think the save points are placed too far from each other. It sucks on a stealth mission when you get far and die then have to start from the beginning. That's my only problem with this game.


Ah. Personally I like games where you can save any place you want. DOOM 3 has a great save system, and Jedi Knight Outcast as well.


Yeah I hear you on that one. Like if you're girlfriend was calling you or you had to do something and you make it really far in a new game and it's, "Damn, wait a minute until I get to the next save point!" I hate that.


Difficulty in save points should be reserved for ONLINE games. They require the real time feeling. A offline game does not, and hence should be more lenient towards user friendly dynamics.


Well enough about the saving problems of XIII. The real question is are you going to play it? That game seriously kicks ass. I had it for PS2 first, sold it, then a year later I got it for Xbox and it's even better.


I don't have an X-Box.


Well it's out for all 3 consoles, and I'm not sure but I think there's a PC version too.


What...?This game is awesome!It's actually one of my fave games!What's even better is that it's for the Nintendo Gamecube:)

"Stand Alone...Where was life when it had a meaning...?"
