Eye drops

I actually liked thus movie and I also got it free from redbox
What was the deal with young lady in a hospital bed getting eye drops??


Whatever ailed her must have prevented her from being able to blink and thus keep her eyeballs moisturized. From the looks of it, though, it appeared that the drops weren't actually put in as the people didn't have the dropper up high enough, or they just squirted it in like a squirt gun.


Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), also called dry eye syndrome (DES) caused by the brain tumor.

Remember one day she lost smell


Super weird how everyone squirted the drops under her eye. It wasn't even close - like 1" under her eye. My guess is she blinked when they put in the visine the first few times and the director said screw it. Just bloop those drops on the bee-otche's cheek!
