MovieChat Forums > Revolver (2005) Discussion > Put on your THINKING CAPS for this one f...

Put on your THINKING CAPS for this one folks !'re going to need every bit of your IQ to process this film.

Not for the A.D.D generation for sure. lol. Thus the rating. Belongs in the top 50.


Agreed all who think that this film is terrible have low IQ !



Yes, but i think you missed the point it was trying to make about one's ego. lol.

"Sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand." -Cool Hand Luke


Total agreement here :)

Deals with some pretty out-there concepts, that's for sure. I haven't seen a film tackle those ideas before.


movie is amazing.

Don't worry, I saw Lord of the Rings. I'm not going to end this 17 times.


I didn't even understand the movie and I was still smart enough to know that it's a good movie. Some people don't understand the movie and they don't do like me and come here for enlightment, so they go around saying that the movie sucks. The first thing I wanted to do after seeing the movie was understand it, so I came here, I learned more about the story and now I can appreciate the movie even more.


What did you learn? Help me. I want to appreciate it. I don't want to write GR off.


Let me share with you how I currently see the world:

The ego is a liar. Everything it tells us is a lie. It tells us we're important, what we want is important, what we do is important, even what we fear is important. This convinces us that we should do things and we must do things.
The truth is nothing is important. Not mankind, not the material world, not the immaterial world, not the past, present or future. Nothing. There is nothing we should do and nothing we must do.

If you think of your consciousness as a car, your ego is the engine while your ability to reason is a GPS you built and maintain yourself. Your ego is what compels you to get out of bed and brush your teeth but if you believe you should or must get out of bed and should or must brush your teeth then your reason is letting your ego take the wheel.

But if you could remove the ego entirely, what's left is a drooling body in a wheelchair. You're lobotomized, you're a vegetable. Your car has no engine and that makes your GPS useless.

"My kids are important and if I have to sell some drugs to some idiot rich kids to feed them then that's what I should do!" That's ego hijacking reason.

"My kids don't matter, I don't matter but I choose to lay down my life for them because they matter to me!" That's ego and reason in equal measure.

"... *drool*" Without ego, there's no reason to reason.

If you take your own perspective of the world (whatever that may be) and compare it to mine I think it may help you see what Revolver is going for. Not that I'm saying Guy Ritchie shares my perspective (since mine is rather extreme).

For example, Revolver calls the ego an enemy and implies that helping others hurts the ego While my perspective is that killing a person may give an ego boost ("He's dead, I'm not so obviously I'm more important!") but so may saving a person ("If his life can end just like that what about mine? But if I save him that proves we're important!").

Now I'm not into Kabbalah or Buddhism or anything like that, I'm a perfectly normal guy who just spends a lot of time thinking about humanity.


Lighten up, Francis.

(but seriously...good post)


You just made the list, buddy. Touch my stuff, touch me or call me Francis I kill you. (Yep, I've seen Stripes too )

And thank you!


Liking or not liking this movie has nothing to do with high or low IQ, it just reflects if you like movies that make you think (and that you have a mild intrest for anthropology or psychology), or if you like movies that allow you to turn off your brain for a few hours and have a bit of fun during the process...


"Liking or not liking this movie has nothing to do with high or low IQ, it just reflects if you like movies that make you think (and that you have a mild intrest for anthropology or psychology), or if you like movies that allow you to turn off your brain for a few hours and have a bit of fun during the process..."

rightly said!


thank you man, I love you


It seems that the people who like this movie have the biggest egos (or they're just judgmental pricks).


You hit the nail right on the head, Verdoux-1. It's kind of funny to see posts under topics about a movie which revolved around the battle between ego and reason which insult others for not thinking the same way the poster does. I guess they lost the battle in the elevator and instead are Ray Liotta in the hallway crying because no one fears them. If I like a film and others don't, I don't insult their intelligence. I just figure we have different tastes.


There's a difference between not liking a movie and going around calling it terrible and/or stupid. For example I didn't like The Godfather series, doesn't mean it's terrible or stupid and I should go around telling everyone that.



I have no problem with people not liking this movie.

My beef is with those who don't understand the philosophical depth of this movie and accuse those who do of being elitists. That's just mirroring, really.


Heres what I thought

His two cellmates play mindgames with him, and their escape is a suicide.


"Are you serving that ape a Martini ?"



Well, if it makes you feel better about being a gullible idiot, go ahead and pretend this new age crapfest is somehow "intellectual." Knock yourself out, sucker.


Really? From where you are sitting philosophy and psychology are new age crap? Would love to know what films you consider "intellectual" btw.


anyone who thinks this film is intellectually demanding is a moron. i'm sure you gapejaws need your thinking cap for films like harry potter as well.


Some ppl huh !!

Piracy Rulz



I prefer movies that are intellectually challenging, visually appealing and/or emotionally intense. Until recently, my favorite movie was "Mr Nobody".

Other movies I love are eg. "Magnolia", "Black Snake Moan", "Land of the Blind", "Fight Club", "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", "Watchmen", "Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain", "Eden Log", "Cashback", "Dogville", "Memento", ... At an intellectual level, "Revolver" blew them all away. This movie is by far the most philosophically profound movie I've ever seen.

"Revolver" is all about the inner conflict between the subconscious and conscious and explores how an individual can free himself from others as well as himself. It is not so much about the insights at the end but about the journey taken to achieve them, which the movie showed us with perfect pacing. It is a movie about self-exploration, maturation and gradual enlightenment.

The problem is just that understanding the subject matter requires an ADVANCED understanding of psychology, which most people watching don't have.


Maybe if you like spiritual, mystical mumbo-jumbo.

See a list of my favourite films here:
