should've spoken German

I would have preferred this to have been in German rather than having German actors speak English. Same thing with the German and French scenes of War Horse.


They shot the film in both languages, German and English using the same actors for both. You can probably get the German version on DVD if you look for it.

I would have preferred it if they had just used the German version with English subtitles and spent the money saved on some of the historic battles which so many posters have noted that they missed out.


I completely agree. I for one, love to watch movies in foreign languages that have English subtitles. Some people, including my dad, say they can't concentrate and keep up with the movie with subtitles, but I can. I feel like when a movie is dubbed in English it takes away from the seriousness and feeling of the movie, but with subtitles it's the best way to watch a foreign movie or a movie with a foreign language.


While sub titles are preferable to dubbing, this film isn't dubbed. They are speaking English and while not as good as German with subtitles it's far superior to dubbing. Nothing is more annoying than the disconnect between what we see and what we hear that comes with that awful (and thankfully nearly extinct) practice.

"Nothing is more ill bred than trying to steal the affections of someone else's dog."


I saw the English version, but I would have been just as happy to see the German. Either is far, far more preferable than watching some dubbed film. 🐭
