OK im confused!!!

Ok theres the one girl - Yi-she...the one who doesnt talk, ends up marrying Sho.
Theres also a girl at the start of the movie...when Sho goes to visit the guy in the fish shop (the one whos high and sees floating fish)...so the girl in that shop (the one who says the fish is dying)...Are these two the same girls??
And also during the live performance of Orenji no Taiyou....they use the footage of both of the girls...so are the same girls? their smiles and features are exactly the same....

or maybe im just being paranoid.


[SPOILERS WARNING] - better put that to be on the safe side... I know how people can be!

The girl in the fish shop is the one who ends up marrying Sho's brother, the guy who gets high and sees floating fish. Not sure what her name is... She's there near the end. When Sho and his brother had that fight, you see her leaving and taking the money.

Hope that makes sense... sorry I can't remember character names...


They are definitely two different women.


huh ..i see...thanks!
