A Pet Peeve...

Just like in House of a 1000 Corpses, the beautiful girl in the family has perfect teeth and skin when the other members are all backwoods. The perfect skin, maybe, but perfect teeth, c'mon. What dentist did she go too.
Started out well but the bad acting and the long stetches of crappy plot between scares ruined it. The monster truck scared the hell out of me.
I loved head crushing scene....loved it. Some of the ideas were very inventive but that crappy freing plot and the terribly annoying fat guy ruined it.
PS Who wants to see the fat guy with his shirt off?? That alone was enough to put me off the movie.


You got to admit the part where they picked up the girl, and he had nothing on but a thong was funny...especially when he pumped his hips, me and my friends almost died laughing


Who would actually like this guy? How could he actually have any friends? The guy is a TOTAL prick. Plus, he was not funny, just an *beep* I dont beleive the guys would have been close in the first place.


It's not really something that bothered me. After all, these freakshow families do need someone that could pass off as normal in society (probably to buy supplies or something).


Everyone who likes Jack Black would like this guy, since that is who he was trying so desperately to be.


What pissed me off is that she didn't take off her bra in the sex scene. I mean, come on. You're having sex with a virgin and you don't even let him(and the viewers) see your boobs?


Did anybody else think her face looked disturbingly similar to Lin Shaye's? Brrr.



I was waiting to se her hot pink red n-i-p-p-l-e-s!!!!

What a waste!!!
She's hot!!!


You mean root beer :D i was also dissapointed with the lack of bra taking off.


I too felt for the virgin denied her nudity, but let's face it - any nekkid people would have just been gratuitous. Especially when they'd already gone gore-mad! Besides, nudity was implied at the end on the scene.


and what's wrong with a little gratuitous nudity now and then?

Hopefully they'll show some in the sequel.

"Let's make some art!"


Just like in House of a 1000 Corpses, the beautiful girl in the family has perfect teeth and skin when the other members are all backwoods.

I like to call this the "Elly May Syndrome". For the other old folks like me who remember the Beverly Hillbillies, there was this ugly messed backwoods family but the daughter was a hot babe.

Though in Monster Man and House of 1000 Corpses the intention of course is to try and fool the audience... Hot babe out hitching, she couldn't be part of the mutant clan.

So now whenever I see the hot babe out hitching in the backwoods I just know she's part of the mutant clan.


Hey, Jethro of the beverly Hillbillies had nice teeth (etc.) too! More like "Necessary Viewer/Hapless Movie Victim Bait."


They also had the one pretty girl in The Munsters... I think maybe she was the only good-looking one was maybe because she didn't die (At least I don't that she did). Her dug-out torso brother died, and Bob? who drove the truck had died as well. Death sure takes a toll on the looks, especially when someone tries to sew you back together!


The reason for the hot looking Sarah, and ugly brothers (as hinted at in the previous post) is because she hasn't been in an accident.

Brother Bob, well he was run down by the monster truck, and having had most of his body sewn back together, is clearly not exactly going to look a million bucks, Brother Fred crashed into a tree after hitting Bob, and flew through the windscreen, thus explaining why his face (and general posture) is screwed up.

AS for House, well Tiny was burnt in the house, hence why he looks bad, Otis, if he shaved, and trimmed his hair, he wouldn't look as freaky, and RJ well he is just your typical long haired beefcake I don't think he was particularly freaky looking. The only ones that were, were Dr Satan, and Otis et al's dad (the freaky red monster thing).


If you watch in some scenes, her skin is actually pretty rough. Makeup and lighting go a long way...

