MovieChat Forums > Legacy of Kain: Defiance Discussion > Why would you want to see this as a movi...

Why would you want to see this as a movie?

I loved these games - even Blood Omen 2 - but i tremble at the idea of seeing them adapted to big screen. Not because i don't think it has a good story and potential - (I would like to see the original Blood Omen on the screen) - but because odds are, Uwe Boll would get to direct it. Hollywood has done well with comic books in recent years, but the best video game movies are still the ones that have the weakest stories - Doom had a relatively shallow storyline (IMO), but the movie was ... well, watchable ( I hesitate to use the word "good".) By all accounts Alone in the Dark and Bloodrayne have good stories (from what i've been told) - but the movies... well, not so good. All I'm saying is be careful what you are asking for, because sometimes it's not something you really want to see.

reply would take a 7 hour long movie to cover the whole storyline and keep everyone happy (I wouldnt mind staring at my tv for 7 hours for this)...

If it ever gets done (wich i doubt) I would like CG animations instead of actors.... and i would like Uwe boll to stay as far from it as humanly possible

You're just jealous because the voices talk to me


i think they could follow the storyline well enough but im not sure if turning another video game into a movie for god sakes theyre coming out with another Mortal Kombat movie i just theink they could set up the fights as good


If they made it into a trilogy, they could easily do the entire series. The games do contain a metric ton of script, but how much of that is inner monologue and how much of that is recognizing surroundings or other things that don't have to be shown in a movie?

Yes, there's a HUGE risk of making movies out of this series. There would have to be some very solid actors that fit the parts they're playing. But more importantly, there has to be good scripts. I'd tap the people that scripted the games. It's not that Uwe Boll is a terrible director (though I'd never say he's good) it's that the scripts for his movies are awful and he doesn't seem to know how to get anything out of actors. He makes mediocre movies and he doesn't usually know how to treat the source material. Or he doesn't care to. So yeah, not good, but mediocre.

I could see a good director with the proper actors making a very good series out of this in the movies. It's just a shame that Eidos or Chrystal Dynamics or whoever seems to have abandoned this series, which is sad. I honestly think that the LoK games have the best stories in the history of videogames. Yes, that even includes Metal Gear Solid.


Hey! People have read this! I feel nifty! So I have to respond! I agree with what everyone has said here regarding the storyline of LoK (although i'm sorry to disagree with you, astro407, but Uwe Boll is a terrible director - in his defense, he seems to embrace it, so I won't judge him by the quality of his work, history will do that), and I would gladly watch the movies if handled competantly - not magnificently, just competantly. However, I think that if this story HAD to be adapted to film, it would not be dealt with properly by an adequate crew. I just have not seen a good video game conversion (in the 8th grade I started working on scripting the Legend of Zelda - luckily high school burned the talent right out of me or I would have been able to sell it and never been able to live with the consequences...:), aside from games that didn't have an elaborate story. However, if the right director got the right material, who knows? I thought Super Mario Brothers was an adequate treatment of a stupid storyline, so all is right.


Hey! People have read this! I feel nifty! So I have to respond! I agree with what everyone has said here regarding the storyline of LoK (although i'm sorry to disagree with you, astro407, but Uwe Boll is a terrible director - in his defense, he seems to embrace it, so I won't judge him by the quality of his work, history will do that), and I would gladly watch the movies if handled competantly - not magnificently, just competantly. However, I think that if this story HAD to be adapted to film, it would not be dealt with properly by an adequate crew. I just have not seen a good video game conversion (in the 8th grade I started working on scripting the Legend of Zelda - luckily high school burned the talent right out of me or I would have been able to sell it and never been able to live with the consequences...:), aside from games that didn't have an elaborate story. However, if the right director got the right material, who knows? I thought Super Mario Brothers was an adequate treatment of a stupid storyline (ok, "family friendly" not stupid - but c'mon, he was what a plumber rescuing various fungi princesses?), and I will watch Halo when it comes out (I like Peter Jackson). LoK would be good if they gave the storyline the right treatment - i.e let the people who wrote it have a say.

And for my money, if they were to limit it to one single 2-3 hour movie, use the first game as a flashback. Forget the extra stuff, focus on the relationship between Raziel and Kain, and remove time travel (I don't like time travel in general) (personal preference). It could be done in an extremely streamlined storyline- remove Janos Audron save as a vague historical figure, make Kain the Balance in the beginning of the movie, and above all else,Moebius as an isolated cultist.
Any other ideas?


i think it shouldn't be changed so drastically...


"I honestly think that the LoK games have the best stories in the history of videogames. Yes, that even includes Metal Gear Solid."
Now thats pushing it, i would say they both have equally good and equally confusing stories :P but thats not my point anyway. I think that if they are going to make a movie of LoK they should make a CG movie to finish of the series which was so horribly and tragically torn away from us like a stealing a small child's teddy bear :'(, it still makes me sad sometimes. But an action-based movie can have a good story, just take Advent Children for example, crazy non-stop action and a story that complimented the original, I think this would be a perfect way to finish the LoK series.


Well. I think if there is LoK movie it must be five movies, not three. It is possible to make a good movie but i think Hollywood would never do such a movie. It is too complecate and "different" from "hollywood" types of movies.

But I realy want to see LoK movie.


Im torn. It would make for a great epic trilogy and personally i think the story outshines both Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. could never be done..and do the game any justice. I would undoubtedly have to see it if it were turned into a film...for better or for worse. I pray if that day ever comes...Uwe Boll doesnt get his paws on it.


I think it would be fantastic if they made a CG movie. I would _love_ to see all the characters in a high res, high detail movie.

I have yet to see a video game based live action movie that's any good, with the exception of Silent Hill, which although I was initially skeptical of, turned out fairly well and I felt it did the game series justice.

I think they should just stick to CG if they ever consider making a LoK movie, and I also think that they need to keep MGS in CG too, but that's just me.


I would kill for a decent adaption of this. the story was really what attracted the players, and I have to admit, I cried during the final scenes of Defiance.

of course, no-one will make a movie of a semi-successful franchise, you'll have to play the game again. which is probably better than watching a crippled movie.


I don't go into a question like this immediately assuming that a movie version of this series would be made by the worst possible person under the worst possible conditions. In that case, there's really no point in discussing it.

It's a great game series with a very different plot from the usual vamp flicks (apart from Blood Omen 2 which was awful and should be avoided like the plague - or, at the very least, only referenced when absolutely necessary) and I do think it would make for a great film or film series. Granted, there are no examples of good game-based movies to reference, but it's never too late for a film to change that trend, and if it was a series of well-made films based on Legacy of Kain, all the better. It certainly has more plot going for it than most other game-movies out there - or other games in general, for that matter.

If the series were made at all, I would love to see them as CG films similar to the GlyphX intros to Soul Reaver and Soul Reaver 2. Same voice actors - no live-action worries about who would look silly in how much make up. Just the straight story in faboo CG.

Then I can die happy...

Science IS fiction.


I agree, though I must say if they ever had to pick somebody to fill Kain's shoes [Even though he doesn't wear any XD], I would recommend Bill Nighy. One look at him in Underworld as Viktor confirmed that. [See the scene where he's bald, blue, and sitting in a throne-like chair. He looks very much like Kain, and even has the right accent.] He would suit it very well, but they should still do it CG.


I think the only way a movie would do this series justice is if it goes the way of Advent Children: a CG epic aimed right at the fanboys. If Hollywood gets a hold of it, the story will be completely compromised and we all know the story is what makes these games great.


Just write novels on the games. They're much better than movies anyway.

If con is the opposite of pro, wouldn't congress be the opposite of progress?


They should film it as a mini-series, it'd be much easier and probably lest costly than trying to do a movie or a trilogy of movies.


What this REALLY needs is a novelization. It would also be the perfect opportunity to end the series, since they dont seem to be able to make a final game. And that's a friggin tragedy because it was very well written and well acted.


They'll eventually produce a sequel to this game... Hell i'm surprised they've not tried to make an MMO out of it. Which lets be honest i think there's quite a few of us who'd love to play one set in this universe.

Part of me wouldn't mind seeing a remake of the games that have come out so far, not so much for updated graphics but more for updated gameplay. I'd still love to have seen the entire series have gone a more action/rpg route, or even a KOTOR rpg route. Part of what i loved most about the original Blood Omen (which i still feel is the best of the series) was the depth that game had.


Quite an old thread, nice to see people still care about the LOK games


I think it would be awesome if the series got a grand finally as a CGI movie, I just can't imagine it any other way really. I just think it deserves the kinda send-off that Serenity gave to Firefly. W/o Tony Jay it's really unlikely though.
