Leaches = test ?

When the doc applies them, both he and the other guy seem ready to strike (one with a gun, the other with a blade). But then they seem to relax when the leaches take hold. So we are lead to believe that if they had not taken to her leg, she would have been diagnosed as a lycan and killed.

EDIT : actually, the "positive" test means the leach turns into some sort of super-leach.

Has anyone ever heard of leaches being a test in other films : books ?

Smiling is for the weak.


What I don't understand is why they were content to apply the leech on Ginger's leg, but the doctor insisted Finn put one on his chest. It doesn't make sense under any circumstances in any case.


He knew where Ginger's wound was, but not guy's, and so told him to do it where he could see it.

I've never heard of it used before, but it was interesting.

Fight the FOCA


It is saliva, and blood of werewolf that turn you into one. Leeches drink blood and process if very fast, therefore leech will turn into leech-wolf after drinking infected blood. Now this makes the speed of leech grow crazy fast but yeah, that is a test they are using.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


No. This was maybe the most innovative contribution to the lycanthrope lore this film made. Otherwise, it was pretty dismal.


I have never heard of them being in a werewolf film that I can remember, but leeches are used in medicine so I thought the idea to use them as a test was a good idea

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