Ghost's Idol

I was just watching them in order, and when I got to the bit where Ginger lets in the lycanthropes, I suddenly realised that the costume that Ginger is wearing, is the same as the one worn by the woman who could command werewolves in Ghost's comic in the second film.
And camera also takes a shot to show the same ring that is referenced.


this makes me like Ghost a little now lol

"Out by sixteen or dead on the scene, but together forever." -Ginger Fitzgerald


That scene where Ginger's standing at the fort entrance with the hood pulled over her face and in the Jesus Christ Pose(to borrow from a Soundgarden song title) as her new friends enter the fort was beautifully shot. It's one of my favorite scenes.


Well, it makes sense as GSII and GSSB were shot at the same time. It probably is a callout/reference.

What? The first rule about Clone Club is we don't talk about Clone Club?
