Bold statement

Let's hope the press and the public give projects like this a chance, and symphatize with the determination and efforts that are done.

It's a bold statement these people make by trying to make something different than the typical Dutch product. It would be great if is was encouraged, even if this film does not turn out to be great, because more filmmakers should get a chance I think.


This movie will have a good chance to win some international awards, even an Oscar maybe ?




You pretty acurated with that statement. But you forget a couple of dutch movies that r a lot better then the usual sh*t. You can even call them small masterpieces. I'm talking about de aanslag, amnesia, de grot, spoorloos (nice criterion edition) and soldier of orange.

But for this film i have no hope for a good result.


Offcourse you are right. From the looks of it, I think that Fighting Fish may not be your taste. But in its genre it will certainly be a good film.



There is a reason why dutch filmmakers didn't make martial arts movies. Because they can't.




"hmm are u nutts or something ?
come on i,ve seen only 1 good dutch film and that was temmink , and all the others were just CRAP!.. so dont have hight expectations becaus dutch people just can,t act at all!

First of all , the way they act in dutch movies is just to focking stupid .. mostly they use bad words all the time, and walking around naked seems to be very populair in holland .. well this is full *beep* !!!!!

I really hope that '' fighting fish '' ( why that stupid name anyway ? ) will be good but i have my doubts about it ."




Okay... but did you also have doubts about Temmink prior to seeing it?



I saw this movie yesterday in Amsterdam at the press screening and it was awful. If you think this movie will win any awards you are severely mistaken unless it's something like a Razzie Award. Almost everything about this movie was bad, the acting, the story, the pace and also the fighting.

***Has a few spoilers***
The story is about a man, A-ken, who goes to Rotterdam for his brother's funeral and to find those responsible his death. The setup is pretty basic and corny but could still have been fine for an action flick. Then we get into a couple of fights. These fights start out pretty stupid and last way too long. For a simple fight scene to get an anser from some guys they took over 5 minutes when they could have done it in under 1 minute. Had more people been joining the fight I would have understood but it was 5 minutes of the same kicks and punches. My complaint about the fighting in general in this movie is that even though some of the moves look really cool, the fights are still poorly executed. You see the pauzes they take between the punches and the wait before they kick. I'm not sure how to describe this any better, maybe once someone has seen it they can explain better what I'm trying to say.
The dialog and acting were also pretty bad, they had me laughing a few times because of it. Trust me, once A-ken has fought the brother of his girlfriend you see them both at her hospital bed and just that shot of them 2 holding her hands had me laughing out loud.
Another thing I noticed is the forced 'coolness' of the gangmember. In the first 15 minutes you'll about 5 or 6 times that one of the Chinese guys will take their sunglassed off in a way that is supposed to be cool.
The only positive thing about thing movie was the music but again, this only works if the rest is also up to par, which it was clearly not.

I went to see this movie with a friend of mine and he already told me that it was gonna be really bad. I told him that he could be surprised and that maybe he shouldn't be so pessimistic. Maybe some people will actually like this movie, but if you then atleast prepare yourself for the possiblity of a big disappointment.


I was there too and heard you laughing! You maybe didn't hear but I joined you. Especially the stupid explanation of the leather wristcover that turned out to mean nothing but 'brother', and the scene in the hospital are so bad that I don't even want to remember.

The Asian boys and Dutchman Ron Smoorenburg can doubtlessly fight, but to turn the action into a great fighting sequence still need some talent for direction and choreography. And that is missing. I know what you mean by 'pauzes' between the punches. When a kick should seriously damage the opponent, a close up of the bodypart where the kick must come is showed. In slow motion, we see the kick (or punch) touching the body, but for a second there, nothing happens. Then the actor acts like he's kicked. This is typical for the movie. It's not a lack of good ideas, but the execution is as poor as it can get.

Very disappointing film, the international audience will shake their heads seeing this at the prestigious Internations Film Festival Rotterdam... just like I did.


I was there as well, and also considered the movie very crappy. A friend of mine who came along for the ride labeled the movie 'the worst Dutch movie of all time'. (though anybody who knows just a very little bit about Dutch film will know this is a gross exgarration.) I don't expect to much of a strong plot from a flick like this, but this cliche-ridden disaster could have been avoided in my humble opinion. Very sorry for the scenarist and director Jamel, I understand he is a young self-made dude from the press-blurb UIP so kindly handed out, and I symphathize, but no cigar.

I agree with P de Haan: The choreography is also to weak to compensate for the poor storyline. Also: why the lack of blood? A bit of spectacle would have been a simple but effective way to liven things up a bit. (Though now I'll probably be labeled as a cheap action-flick-loving sensationalist :))

As far as Smoorenburg goes: stay in your cage please...Acting is not your thing. (As I understand it the guy is making a buck or two renting out real talent anyhow, so why bother?)

BTW: I also heard shadytpb laughing (though you might actually have mistaken him for me, since I was also giggling my ass off)

BTW 2: mouvin, who the hell are you? Don't tell us you're Jamel...I'd feel guilty :( If you are...Good luck on the next project.


Hehe, it probably was me you heard laughing on some of those occasions cause I really couldn't hold it back, especially during the hospital scene.
Ron Smoorenburg was doing fine except for the parts where opened his mouth or had to express emotion. Though even if you put the guy in real HK movie, like with Jackie Chan, he still screws up and isn't good enough. I remember seeing a 'making of' on a vcd from a friend of mine from a Jackie Chan movie where Ron had to fight Jackie. It turned he didn't have good timing and just screwed up so they even had to use fake legs for some of Ron's kicks.

Another funny thing, my dad saw an interview with Kim Ho Kim (A-ken) today and the interviewer asked him if the movie had been getting good review and he told him YES! The guy then said something about him being glad it's being showed on the Film Fest in Rotterdam so the movie can get some 'international attention'. I had already informed my dad on how bad this movie was so he was lauging and when he told me the story I cracked up. I think this could be the worst movie on the Festival this year though I'm not sure if the rest of the lineup is that good.



it is a terrible movie. Let's hope we can blame the director for all the over-acting.. Even without understanding the first so-and-so many minutes of dialogue, it still cracked me up.

fightscenes are somewhat nice, but there's just too much Bruce Lee kinda gestures (eg. tasting own blood)

why am I wasting time to write this?


Come on, give me a break. Have you seen the trailer, the cast and the poster. I already laughed about that, so i don't think this movie has anything to offer.

I agree with you that more should be done with dutch film making, but what they're trying now is just plain stupid. It actually lowers the level of dutch film IMO.
Many dutch film makers try to copy Hollywood productions, which just don't mix with dutch culture. Sometimes they even speak english while in the Netherlands, just awful.

