
This movie sounds pretty interesting. Although the story reminds me of 'Romeo Must Die', but hey it's not a Hollywood feature. I wonder what kind of fight scenes to expect.


Expect the unexpected. I've seen it with my own eyes (on the filmset, I was an extra for a few days) and I still don't believe it.... the fight scenes are looking VERY good.

The Dutch are back!


I want to see it .


The Dutch are Back ?............ back from where ?


Back from nowhere I'm afraid.. I saw the movie today at the press-preview in Amsterdam and even after seeing the poor trailer, it was quitte a disappointment. I wasn't the only critic laughing after some of the dialogues. I almost felt ashamed - not because you'll be bored but because of the simplicity of the events and the suprising bad pronunciation in the Dutch film. And that was not what the unexperienced director Aattache had in mind I suppose!


I also saw the movie (thanks to a friend) and I really liked it.
The simplicity of the story isn't a problem for me (most martial arts films have little story). The fightscenes are great! And that's important, because it really shows that the Dutch CAN make a good martial arts movie ;-)
And the music... WOW! I really want to buy the soundtrack, when it's available.



How is Jeroen Post doing it in the movie?


LOL, Dutch movies aren't really interesting i think.. maybe if you like nudity!

btw i'm dutch to


Lul toch niet mens. Het is al lang niet meer zo dat er in elke Nederlandse film een paar blote tieten of een kut voorkomt. En als het zo is, dan niet meer zo plat zoals, inderdaad, in de vroegere Nederlandse films. Doe me een lol en zeg pas iets als je er WERKELIJK verstand van hebt, iets wat je duidelijk NIET hebt.

Ontopic over Fighting Fish: jammer jammer jammer! De bedoelingen waren echt goed, maar het hele inhoudsloze geheel zakt gewoon als een plumppudding in elkaar. Statische vechtscenes, slecht acteerwerk, met als tragisch dieptepunt Kim Ho Kim ('Ik ga je slaan, stomme boef!'), die de uitstraling van een natte dweil heeft. Maar omdat ik inmiddels redelijk wat keertjes figurant ben geweest op een set (niet deze, HELAAS), weet ik dat iedereen zijn uiterste best doet om het tot een goede film te maken. Ik wil later filmrecensent worden, maar eigenlijk is het lullig om mensen die met zoveel toewijding aan een film gewerkt hebben af te kraken. De mensen verdienen het niet, maar de film wel.


Got to see it, before I believe it. Most Dutch movies are quite boring and dissapointing (except a few). And I can imagine the bad pronunciation. It wouldn''t be the first time!

(btw, I'm also Dutch)


Amsterdam (ANP) - Today the first Dutch martial-arts movie has been withdrawn from the theaters. United International Pictures (UIP) spokeswoman Friday said that it is not the small numbers of visitors but competition from other movies that forced Fighting Fish back to the shelf.

Since the late January premiere at the Intl. Filmfestival Rotterdam only 6.600 people bought a ticket to see the movie.


6600 is not bad for this one I suppose.


haha man im laughing my ass off about the stupidity of most dutch movie fans here

or shall i say Movie cans ...

I havent seen this movie and im not planning to .. i get sick and tired of dutch movies cause of the actors.

imo the dutch still havent make a movie worth mention ( except Temmink) its not that we can,t .. but we keep on making movies with a *beep* of crappy actors and boring storylines..


"or shall i say Movie cans ... "

LMAO! seriously, thats so lame...
