Anyone else think?

That the makers of this film were in on the angle of exposing that older stunt woman? She was obviously a little unstable and very self aware of her body image and aging, she was also pretty jaded and phoney from her years working in hollywood, at one point she even says "you wouldent believe the phoneys in hollywood" never realizing herself that she has become one, right down to her last line in the film "and buddies give jobs to buddies" she unknowingly admits to forming these relationships with men in the business in order to secure work, having the young unjaded free spirited extremely talented younger stunt woman from New Zealand making an appearence in her life only reminded her of everything she could never be but wanted so desperatly (her considering cosmetic surgery), It was very interesting to watch them interact with each other, you have to read between the lines to catch the subtle genius of this film intentional or not.


I didn't see it as exposing her, although you are right, her attitude was rather more jaded, but she has had years of being passed over for stunt coordinator jobs for being a woman. I thought she was a great character, and clearly knew what was needed in Hollywood - re her trip to the plastic surgeon. The fact is a 62 year old stunt woman has to battle for work. I thought that was made clear. The attitude of the stunt MEN didn't appear to help too much at times.



A little late to the party here, but this woman, to whom her physical condition IS her livelihood, gave up one of her kidneys to save a friend, actor Ken Howard.

Buddies helping buddies. There should be more such "phonies" in this world!


Exactly. I didn't find her phony at all. And Hollywood is all about who you know.

That said, she was jaded and has self-image problems but of course she would. She's a legend in the stunt world who is passed her prime and has no desire to retire.

I loved this film.

- Jesus died for somebody's sins but not mine
