Favorite Character

It's pretty ovbious that Willow can be the most powerful character, since she can't be hurt with her protection spell, so lets leave that topic alone. What I want to know is who your favorite character is, who you think is the most fun to play.

For me it would have to be Xander, for some strange reason. I think I only like him because of the funny things he says every once and a while. Also he's more challanging to play, so that makes it more fun.

How about you guys?


I like Faith because shes the best slayer and she has the best levels in the game.


I think my fav character wud be Spike.I meancmon...wud the series ever be the same without that blondie.He oozes sex appeal,funny,and has some real good actio scenes.Infact he's thebest out of the big three!!Buffy,angel and spike.LOOK OUT HER COMES SPIKE!!!!


My fav playable character in the Chaos Bleeds game is definitely Faith. I love Tara too, and really hope to unlock her for the arena mode games. However, my number one fav character in the Buffyverse is Cordelia <3

Cordy ftw
