Alias with 24....

I'd like to see something combining Alias with 24...Jack Bauer and Sydney Bristow would be an excellent combo for a movie.....


Did you learn nothing from Alien Vs. Predator or Freddie Vs. Jason?


the creators of 24 also did La Femme Nikita====ALias is basically a show of ripped off storylines from that show, I don't think the creators of 24 would ever stoop that low

"spare me your 6th grade Michael Moore logic"


I don't think that 24 and alias would do well. jack is too independent and same with sydney. anyways they are working for totally different parts of the government(CIA ande FBI)one more thing remember the first episode of alia this season; sydney was "fired" and vaughn "quit".

"Spying....Stealing....Murder....And you think your family has issues"


Also the tone of the shows are very different. "Alias" with it's supervillain enemies and the involved Rembaldi mythos has more of a fantasy-science fiction-y feel to it. 24 is more down to earth and (ostensibly) more realistic.

"You can't take the sky from me."


Actually despite the oddity of it 24 seems to point towards CTU being a CIA division not FBi, which i know is odd, but from whats been said and the referencing used it appears to be a CIA division not FBI,
Strange considering FBI is responsible for Counter Terrorism enforcement.

but either way Alias and 24 wouldnt work together, both great seperate but both completely different shows, no way to tie them in together in way that makes sense plus, Jack and Syd wouldnt work, And besides Jack Bauer does his best work alone,


what r u crazy? 24 compared to alias is so lame. i hate 24!


indeed but I prefer 24 to alias slightly...sorry randomness


24 is so much better the Alias but I love them both

although Alais season 4 was a real dissapointment

I think it would be funny if Sydney like walked past Jack in an episode. What I mean is for JB to just appear in one scence lol. Alais is so fake that they could manage a scene like that hehe.


"24" relies on gimicky concepts to carry it into viewers radars. Alias was able to do that all by itself.

Whilst i find 24 reasonably entertaining, there is not the substance to it present in Alias.


I've seen all of 24 from the begining (beginning?) and am on Series 3 of Alias.
I really like them both but prefer 24 a little better because it is more real.
I like the idea of Sydney walking past Jack once or twic (or vice-versa) but I don't think them coming together would work.beginning


Alias and 24 are my two favorite shows, and while I respect them individually, putting Sydney Bristow and Jack Bauer on one screen might even be too much for me to handle. The only way I can see it working would be if the two agencies (working either with each other or against each other) needed each others help for some epic mission, kind of like when Syd was forced to open that case with Anna in Season 1. Of course, if I know the characters like I think I do, Sydney and Jack would be working behind each others' backs almost the entire time.


Ya it would make a pretty awsome show however it is never gonna happen i almost cried when alias went off air me and my sister NEVER missed and episode since season 1 and we still go back and watch them all. i am gonna get a tatoo of the rambaldi eye on my hand :)


I think it would make a GREAT crossover show. Better than a cheesy Alias reunion piece (although I would watch that too in a heart beat). The beauty of Jack being FBI and Sydney being CIA is that these two seemingly independent branches come together for one of the greatest take downs of a bad guy (or girl) ever! That would explain the crossover.


Just a note, Jack is not FBI, he is an agent of the Fictional Los Angeles Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU), which was fabricated specifically for the purposes of 24.
