Will this be released on DVD?

Sadly, few documentaries are, and few make it to my city during original runs.

Anyone know?

Despite a claim by another poster that this is playing in LA, moviephone.com lists no showings.


The film will be released on DVD. Lantern Lane says that it's still in the deal phase. I wouldn't be surprised to see a simultaneous DVD release of 'Aileen' and 'Monster'. Broomfield's first documentary on Wuornos was released on VHS and is still available used if you look around.


That would be awesome. True Crime documentaries and movies are always fascinating. I've seen MONSTER twice.


I've seen MONSTER four times...and seriously considering a fifth time...and the kicker is...I live in New York City *screams* I can hardly ever sit through movies twice...let alone in the theater four times, but this is incredible.


Amazon shows a release date of June 1, 2004 for this DVD. The original documentary ("Aileen Wuornos - The Selling of a Serial Killer") is being released on DVD on April 27th.


The DVD will be released tomorrow, along with other hits like Monster, and Eurotrip.
