Thanks to Nick being a Friend.

Nick Broomfield was probably the kindest person she had ever dealt with. I noticed in one of his documentaries where one Judge treated her with respect and kindness how lively and appreciative she became. There was good in her and all she needed was a Good person to help her and stay with her through the hard times. Nick was good to her to the end and I am so glad she had him. He is a wonderful man and gained so much respect from me and I hope God in his goodness toward her.


I agree with a lot of what you say moviebp. I watched this documentary for the second time today after many years from the first viewing. I realized from many of the comments on these boards and other websites that she never had a chance. She was treated like a throw away while she was growing up. She was never shown love and kindness from anyone in her life. Some people have made comments regarding the fact that even Ted Bundy was given a life sentence and never sentenced to death for any of all his murders yet Aileen Wuornos received multiple death sentences. Ted Bundy, from all accounts I have read, grew up in a reasonably stable family although he got off to a rough start being born to an unwed mother who may or may not have bore a child by her own father. His mother later married a man who adopted Ted Bundy and by all accounts raised him as his own son. Ted Bundy was considered an attractive, intelligent man who had attended college. He confessed to murdering 30 women but was suspected of being involved in many more. Ted Bundy killed just for the thrill of the kill. Aileen Wuornos was convicted of the murders of seven men. She had at various times said she did not commit the murders, then she admitted to committing murders in self defense, and sometimes for robbery. She never showed any indication of killing just for the thrill of the kill. Aileen Wuornos was unattractive and most likely did not ever complete high school. She never had a chance. She was bitter and lashed out at people in court because she felt trapped. I am not making excuses for her, but I don't believe most people who come to these boards and make remarks like "she got what she deserved", etc. would have ever survived the childhood she survived and not come out warped to at least some degree. I felt so much sympathy for her after I started to read about her life and what she had survived. She never had a chance.


Your assessment is very insightful and accurate. I read the book "Dear Dawn" and all those letters were written for Dawn's eyes only at the time. I am certain that she was victimized by some of her victims and others probably provoked horrible memories of similar men who had abused her. She HAD to quit school in the 9th grade due to her pregnantcy that was either by her grandfather or the neighborhood pervert that molested many children. This is what she learned very early in life and it unfortunately defined her adult behavior. She was so STARVED for someone to Love and Love Her back. I can only imagine sitting before a Judge in all his superiority and being condemned, insulted and then handed death sentences, anyone would react with the same "shock" as she did by lashing out. Personally, I would have spit on him. She had Nothing else to loose. It was proven that from the beginning the cops were trying to negotiate movie deals which one lost his career. Alot of what she said that people thought was insane accusations were in fact true but no one would believe this poor soul. Death is NOT the worst thing that can happen to us. The inhumane "Mass" hatred that she faced (most likely for being a lesbian/man killer) proved to be her worst hell. She was so looking forward to dying to escape it that she tried to keep the truth hid as to not interfere with her speedy death. There were moments when she did state the truth (being provoked by these perverts) but retracted which is common with death row inmates. NO ONE can harm her now. The worst has been come to pass and may She find Rest and Peace eternal.


You say Ted Bundy never had a death sentence? But he was executed. Aileen never had a chance? Agreed, a tough life. Her last good chance was her marriage to an older and well to do man in Florida, but I think that ended when she abused him. She had chances. A bad childhood does not excuse murder.


Was going to say that although i agree with him these posts, I thought that Bundy was executed.

