
i think the best part in the awards was when Daveigh Chase (Samara Morgan) came to take her prize, she was very nervous and gigling when she was saying thanks, the the noise was heard, she shoock her head, lowerd it to the mic and said "everyone wil suffer" in a whisper kind of way. When she said it the whole crowd went wild! It was the best part of the whole awards.


Yes, Im so glad she won because all the other villains sucked(except for daniel-day lewis).

Did Mtv tell her so say that "everyone will suffer" part?


Probably. She seemed really nervous and kept stuttering.


It was pre writen to say that because you hear the weird Ring sound in the backround (when she looks to the (my)right)


Daveigh Chase is soooo cute in real life!! She does the voice of Lilo in Lilo and Stitch too. She's really really creepy as Samara though *shudder*


I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Mischief managed.


I hope to see more of her. She is very talented for someone that young.


anyone kno where i can see that part? I've looked everywhere
