The Oscar

I love Halle Berry,

I truly do, but as an afro-American actress should she be consider one of the elite actresses in her time. I wonder. I acknowledge she broke the trends by taking on unusually roles for Afro-American women of her beauty would under take. I mean to actually dress down her beauty to take on roles that most women of her beauty and training would just refuse. It’s just amazing to me.

However I question her ability to compete with her peers in doing extraordinary films that shock the world. I mean look at her peers who were nominated for the Oscar.

Whoopi first time out took the Color Purple lead role and changes the pages of Alice Walkers book into a masterpiece that would define how Afro-American women, plus women in general could still be portrayed as they really are and carry a film. Meaning Whoopi, Oprah, and others don’t have to be drops dead gorgeous to have the ability to be represented in a film of how women really are as well still carry a huge audience.

Whoopi who is considered ugly by Holly Standards has been in since over 60 films and has many T.V appearances show etc to her credit. An accomplishment for woman who looked as she does as well as her having difficulties finding script in general for just being a black women is a success story in and of it self.

Angela Bassett shock the world with her performance of Tina Turner and has since taken challenging roles as Rose Parks, Betty X or Malcolm X’s wife in to different films as well as numerous pop cult flicks. The Amazing thing about her is her ability to maintain elegance in her portal of every woman she ever played.

I think it was only fitting that she acknowledge these accomplishments in her acceptance speech of all that cleared they way for Afro-American woman.
