MovieChat Forums > Threat Matrix (2003) Discussion > I'm very conflicted about this show

I'm very conflicted about this show

First off, I haven't seen any of this show & I currently don't have a TV so I don't know if I ever WILL see this show, BUT....

I really don't know how to feel about "Threat Matrix".

On the one hand, it seems like blatant propaganda...depicting the "good" American gov't vs the "evil" Islamic terrorists. America is always right. They are always wrong. The ends justify the means no matter what it takes. End of story.


Despite what the reviewer here says, life is NOT that simple. The U.S. gov't has done more than its share of either financing, creating, or otherwise inspiring terrorists:

Remember Osama Bin Laden? Did you know he was financed by the Reagan Administration to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan? Did you know he was ticked at us for stationing troops in Saudi Arabia to protect oil fields under the Bush I Administration? And if you buy Bush II's lies about Saddam Hussein to justify the recent war...well did you know that Bush II's Dad and Ronny Reagan armed and supported Saddam Hussein in the 80's because he was anti-Communist?

Is any of THAT going to be mentioned on this show?

Also, is this show going to deal w/ the Patriot Act and its invasions of our privacy and shredding of our civil rights? Is it going to depict anyone who disagrees with the Homeland Security Dept. as a whiny, anti-American, terrorist sympathizing, university Liberal? In other words, is it going to be right-wing Ann Coultier-type propaganda?

Or is it going to cop out, skip the politics, and try to wow the viewers with action and the "good guys" bagging terrorists? This may be a "new world" as the first reviewer says, but it's NOT the black and white kind that he (or G. W. Bush) would apparently like.

And what about those fun color-coded threat levels? Will the invasive, insipid, politically motivated actions of the REAL Homeland Security Dept. be depicted? Will mistakes be made?

On the other hand......

I too am disgusted by Hollywood's politically correct refusal to depict Arabs & Muslims as terrorists, especially in films like Sum of All fears where it's clearly WRITTEN that way. I too saw The Siege before 9/11 and believe it was very prophetic. Despite everything I've just said, I do happen to believe terrorism is a serious threat and must be dealt with, sometimes harshly. I simply don't see the Homeland Security Department as either being the right way to go about it or being worthy of praise. Not to mention it's own show.

I have to say I'm surprised this show isn't being distributed by Fox. But I've heard ABC is pretty conservative.


I have not seen any episodes yet, but from what I understand of the show, it seems to be a rip-off of Spooks/MI-5. After I actually see the show I'll be able to a better analysis of the show, but this is what it seems like to me as of right now.


I dont' mean to sound racist or anything......nor is that my intent...

But we shouldn't kid ourselves. The main threat to the US as far as terrorism is from the Arab nations. These are a people that are willing to die to make our life one of fear....

Anybody with beliefs like that, must be taken as a threat.

Now true, we may have armed Ossama and Saddam, but these facts do not concern me. Al-Qaida claimed responsiblilty for the attacks. Osama's in charge of AQ.......

And Saddam...well, that is a witch hunt if there ever was one....but I'm just glad he's out. Not because of his WMD programs....but the fact that he was inhumane....

But that's just my take.....

Thank God for the 1st Amendment.


True dat. But some people are stupid enough to call America a police state. Gee, if that were the case, then you wouldn't be allowed to protest would you?



I live in this country, I know our citizens...

Most American's wouldn't know a police state if they were thrown in a concentration camp for breaking wind in public....

Is that an insult, or a supplement to the greatness of America? I'll let you decide.



Poeple believe whatever they see on TV, if CNN says it's true than it must be. People don't read, or take the time to find out all of the info.
John Ashcroft would like nothing better than a police state, ever read what he wanted in the Patriot act II?
I'm as glad as anyone to see Saddam go, but the sad thing is the US gov't stills supports dictators worse than Saddam right now.

Now some comments on the show.
I don't see politics being involved in this at all. If people believe the show is leaning left the show will lose viewers on the right. If people think they're leaning right, they'll lose viewers who are on the left. It would be best for the show to leave politics out of it, or at least as much as possible, beacuse the show is gonna want the Ratings to be as high as possible. As we all know Ratings = $$


And the main threat to many Arab nations has been and is US politics and bombings. You could also see it this way you know. It's a two sided street...


Shouldn't we be discussing the show itself, and not ranting. Arabs are the terrorists, there isn't any question about that. So stop spewing left-wing ideology. You're lucky you're living in a country like ours and have people like the show depicts protecting us.


Its very PC.
The show would be entertaining if they could just make it a little, well a lot more realistic and didn't play the patriotic tune so loud.
The agency is a lot better. This reminds me of JAG "Oliver North actually appered on this show(SICK AND PERVERSE). This is too much probaganda and not enough realism. Patriotism can be ok, but when overdone it becomes vulgar.
A concerned european


Did you people even realize that he said he didnt even have a TV to watch this show? Another thing I wanted to say is that I don't wanna get into a debate, but me being a soldier, I realize that America has to go through constand crap daily to keep everyone safe. This just shows (rather ficticiously) that side. The shows very entertaining, different and cool. Lets just leave it at that! Okay people?


