MovieChat Forums > Threat Matrix (2003) Discussion > Rest In Pieces: Threat Matrix

Rest In Pieces: Threat Matrix

Boy, what a waste of celluloid. If you go directly to T/M's official site:
You'll notice that the next episode hasn't been scheduled. I figure with its dismal ratings, it should have done what FOX did the night of the Friends' series finale: run a rerun of COPS against the behemoth. What better fodder than Threat Matrix.
Last time I borrowed a line from George Burns, now I borrow from Bill S.

"Alas Poor Threat Matrix, no one hardly even watched you. For good reason."


Terrible show. Badly acted and really offensively racist. Anti-French, Anti-Egyptianm, anti anyone who isn't white, American and pro-Bush.


So it just puts it how The American Government See it. and doesn't lie. you may notice that unless oil is involved White Americans you don't see many of them as terrorists it's like blowing up your house with you inside.


As a Strong Conservative; I'm not surprised Liberals hated the show. Freedom isn't as clean as some of these clowns would like to think it is.

The phrase is, "We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." Rough men, not ACLU Lawyers.



yepp, and strong conservatives like you, "real rough men", played little games like Abu Ghraib, torturing innocent people wherever available, destroying anything a democracy stands for, killing more people, especially innocent civilians, than ANY other democracy before, and this show tries to justify those actions in an unbelievable disgusting way, including torturing (eg episode 7 - "Alpha 126"), with declaring torturers to heroes ... and creating a new, conservative, inhuman, bush fetishism masterrace ... so, well done, little conservative ...


(Fade In) There you are you and your liberal socialist pals extending your arms to Bin Laden in a bid to hug all of the myopic religious hate from his heart and those like him. He pulls out a 12 in. sheep knife and cuts your throat from ear to ear (Fade Out). This a scene from what I like to call "REALITY". While you form your opinions from leftist media sources and socialist teachers and professors my perceptions have been formed in a rather different way,... I WAS THERE. Afghanistan and two tours in Iraq as an Infantryman. Let me tell you what that means, while you have been assured by the liberal media that we've slaughtered the helpless and exploited the innocent and weak because they heard it from someone who told a "source" who passed it on to a producer who spun it for ratings you've been lied to for the most part. It's true that unfortunate incidents have happened most of those attributable to Iraqis themselves looking to use the U.S. Military to settle decades old scores with their neighbors using false reports of insurgent activity. Not to mention those "technically" innocent who ran out of ammo and tried to play dumb or accepted a lift into town from 4 guys carring ak-47s and a mortar tube. Perhaps we should stop fighting this war on radical Islam obviously the terrorists we've captured and the overwhelming Military victory we've enjoyed has done nothing to contribute to the prevention of the dozens of terrorist attacks by Islamic extremists that have occurred on U.S. soil since 9/11. Oops, there haven't been any of those have there (sorry). Oh and as for those "real rough men" you referred to yeah that's me pal and your welcome for that blanket of freedom under which you hide with your boyfriend. What you are looking at is the future, these people cannot be negotiated with it's been tried for hundreds of years by people like you with no success. These people have been raised from birth to KNOW that anyone who is not like them is a lower form of human life, (ask someone who's Jewish) even the "moderate" ones who can read a Koran will tell you the violence against us is justified by Islam. Things sometimes have to be done, some find them unsettling especially the professionals who have to do them but it's working. Finally Abu Ghraib that was an embarrassment for every American especially for professional dedicated Military personnel. The events there were conducted by what are referred to in the Army and Marine Corps as P.O.G.s (persons other than grunts) the guards that took those photos and conducted themselves in that way were not prison guards, there is a particular Military Occupational Specialty that is supposed to handle prisoners in custody and they're trained to do so. The personnel handling those particular prisoners were mechanics and dumb ones from the Podunk, West Virginia National Guard. These are things that can happen when part-time Soldiers are not supervised and are very small people to begin with. This can be avoided in the future by electing a congress who will authorize the funds necessary to expand the critical fields in the Military necessary for facing today's challenges and eliminate the large chunk of jobs in the Military that are useless.


so you have been there - and perhaps so you became one of them (in mind) ... BECAUSE you have been there ... so it´s not really your fault, but perhaps thats the reason why politics should be made with cold head and brain, but not cold-hearted ... a democracy is a special system with special rules and especially with rules not allowed to break !

USA is a great country, but tends to just do something without thinking too much, then re-thinking about it at a time where it has taken place already ... which is too late cause people died ... same this time, Bush will be one of, perhaps THE most shameful president in the history of the US, and the following president will have to settle all the problems the old one has left - including mass torturing, guantanamo bay, all those nasty little things usually dictators do, but democracies are simply not allowed to - in NO circumstances, and with NO exception.
The only way Bush was able to do so, was to turn one of the worlds most stable democracies into a one-man (or administration) dictature, hiding under a democracy which simply was set out as required ... which makes me angy and much more anxious - remember Germany 1933 - it also was a democracy - and we know what happened ... now it´s perhaps the most stable democracy in the world because they learned out of their history, I doubt the US did so, and Bush (administration) took that "advantage", controlling media and informations for a long time, so allowed to do what they wanted without being controlled (the way it started in Yugoslawia, too), starting a "crusade" (Bush quote) using intrusive propaganda within the US, the UN, and all over the world, for finishing up daddys unfinished business in Iraq, possible only through a big bunch of lies very much people were suspiciously eager to follow.

Remember, Bill Clinton lied because of very private "squirts", and a witch-hunt took place, the lies of Bush caused minimum 100.000 dead civilians in Iraq, and he doesnt really have problems yet ... I don´t know, perhaps it´s just me, but it seems, squirting your own body fluids in your own privacy is a bigger issue than squirting the brains of countless innocent civillians into the environment ... and sorry, but I don´t think thats what a democracy stands for - it seems I´m not the only one, as shown at 4th Novembre 2008 ...
You are not a dumb person, which I can read out of your wording and your opinion about Abu Ghraib, so I´m pretty sure some day you´ll see the real thing, though you´re influenced through issues I have the privilege NOT to be inluenced of. Perhaps in the near future, also the general education of soldiers will expire, in US, soldiers simply learn to kill in the first place, eg in Europe, Sweden, Germany, etc, a very important part is humanism, psychology and de-escalation, much more complex than just mentioning those words here, for sure, but its given a quite high importance, and there they also learn, the Islam is NOT what you suggest in your post, violence is not justified, if someone told you different, there simply was a reason to do so, this is 2008, just google to be wiser ...

btw, I´m not gay, but after your helpless try of defarmation, I wish I would be, then I could thank you for your discrimination in that case, too, however, I´m not sure WHY you brought up that issue here, but you might have your very own very very special reasons ... little hard soldier ... ;-)


You're the one who is misinformed, dumbass. Bush was no dictator, if he was, he would have forced himself to be president still, you were lied to by the liberal media. STFU and go to another country with your BS whining.

*I am not a dem or a repub, but can see through the lies of both parties to know they are one and the same

No 2nd Amendment, know tyranny.
James Cameron sucks balls


(Fade In) There you are you and your liberal socialist pals extending your arms to Bin Laden in a bid to hug all of the myopic religious hate from his heart and those like him. He pulls out a 12 in. sheep knife and cuts your throat from ear to ear (Fade Out). This a scene from what I like to call "REALITY".

I think that was a scene from what I like to call FANTASY. What I like to call reality is what is actually real, and such actually happened, and your story obviously didn't. I could also comment on the rest of your post, but it's so far from rationality I won't even bother, except from this:
These people have been raised from birth to KNOW that anyone who is not like them is a lower form of human life, (ask someone who's Jewish) even the "moderate" ones who can read a Koran will tell you the violence against us is justified by Islam.

I'm not a liberal or even an American (and no, not a muslim either), but if you actually believe this, you are misled.


(Fade In) There you are you and your liberal socialist pals extending your arms to Bin Laden in a bid to hug all of the myopic religious hate from his heart and those like him. He pulls out a 12 in. sheep knife and cuts your throat from ear to ear (Fade Out). This a scene from what I like to call "REALITY".

I think that was a scene from what I like to call FANTASY. It doesn't take a "moderate muslim" to read the koran, it's translated to English. Read it or shut up about it. It's pretty much the same as the bible.


I'm confused !!! :-(
Wasn't this a THREAD about a THREAT MATRIX !!!??? What the hell happened here ?!
And about guy the complaining that he did tours in Middle-East.
I mean seriously, you really did tours in the middle east... and you are here defending a show called 'THREAT MATRIX' !!! WTF MAN !!!???
About the bashing of 'ALL MUSLIMS ARE BAD'... KORAN says to kill people.
Are you a born ignorant moron... or did you get this good with practice !?
or was it all the brain washing in the military !?
Seriously, which is it?
The reason... I'm NOT American... I'm NOT white... and I AM Muslim and I AM a resident of a 3rd world country and when douches like you mouth off like they know the world... its just bad to such a degree that its funny as hell.
BTW, here are some infos that you might wanna know, incase you didn't. BIN LADEN and his gang... were trained the by CIA.
Saddam was put into power... by US gov.
Oh... weapons of mass destruction... guess what?
THERE WASN'T ANY... n oh ya you know those things called NUKES !?
Only 1 country used them in the history... USA... TWICE !!! Look it up!
Christianity killed more people in the name of their imaginary friend than any other religion.
What else !?... oh ya that smart line the republican christian so love to throw around... 'Christians say, we'll die for you sins... a muslim says you'll die for my sins'.
Yeah... not really, without actually KNOWING about something its real easy to bash something.
KORAN has been always about peace and love... live and let live policy.
Just the way you dumba$$ rednecks mess up the bible... we have the middle easter idiots... basically our version of rednecks who mess up the KORAN.
So you know what... I AM happy that two ignorant moronic groups are killing each other. Keep doing that... just leave the innocents alone.
Oh ya... and if USA was all about freedom maybe they should actually do something where it matters... like NORTH KOREA... and ISREAL constantly breaking their treaties and expanding their borders.
USA keeps b|tching that everyone hates their country !?... For good REASON... you made everyone hate you since the Reagan era.

Okay... I'm done venting... now about THREAT MATRIX... couldn't sit through 1 episode... came here to see if it was still running... guess not.
