We Can Have it Back!

It is almost ten years since the show was cancelled. I do not need to be reminded that Eliza Dushku is going to college.
But if we have every new show cancelled this season including fall and winter then the stockholders will replace the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will replace the executives. And I do not see where else but the past the execs can look. We could have Tru Calling back!


This is such a far-fetched near impossible hail-mary of events that this could not logically happen like that. If they had to go to the past to get new material, they very likely go to something that earned them more money than tru-calling did. It was better than the viewer count, and I feel if more people watched it they would have stayed. But the facts are the facts.


If they put more stock into what Tru Calling makes on DVD then you are wrong!


Yes, it may have made some money in DVD. But there are others who have made MORE.


Name five good shows which are that and lasted less than five season. Exclude Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica The first already had it revival. The second has had reimagination.
