Mama Bear is SUPER annoying

I think she was just supposed to be, well, a MAMA Bear LOL. I just found her extremely annoying at times. A little melodramatic. She especially drove me nuts in the episode about the cubs watching way to much tv. I mean obviously it's JUST a cartoon and the point was to show that there is more to life than tv, but my god, she was practicly crying when the kids said they couldn't wait to watch tv again at the end of that week long tv ban.


I feel the same way. All she did was ruin things for the cubs. There is nothing wrong with watching t.v. She needed to get over it. All those stupid pissed off looks weren't gonna help her or make her look better. Then she had the nerve to take the remote control away from papa! She went way too far,she wants to punish the cubs fine but don't steal tv watching from papa! I would have told her NO. Then she gets all upset when the cubs watch tv again after the week was over! I'd be like GET OVER IT! Yea I no its just a cartoon but they made the mama out to be a self centered bitch!


I know I'm a bit late, but too much time sitting in front of a screen is not good for kids. Kids need exercise. Kids need to read, kids need nourishment and stimulation both physically and mentally. Television on a whole provides none of that. Just my two cents.


Brother and Sister can read. Brother does a lot of sports like karate and soccer, and Sister takes ballet and loves to jump rope. I'm pretty sure they'll live.

And television can be stimulating and teach good lessons if the show is done right.
