Its FINALLY ending....YES!


This show was the only reason I kept the Discovery Channel off my Favs list on the remote. Everytime I turned it to channel 3 its all they were fking playing!

Not only that but the show was horrible. Everytime I tried to watch it all they did was fking fight all the time. Just arguing and arguing over and over and over..........

Who the hell enjoys ugly ass family fighting over and over?? If it was funny or something then maybe but it was just boring and filled with negativity.

Good Riddance!

Now I can put Discovery back on my favs since 2003. I wonder how many great shows I missed.


You didn't miss much. That's for sure.


"You didn't miss much. That's for sure."

Agreed tasmanian... and to the OP... don't be too quick in taking that block off.... unless you like cheaply produced garbage about fake Gold miners and Moonshiners....

Oh and how could I forget... AMISH MAFIA

"I don't argue with idiots, they bring me down to their level and beat me with experience"


You do realize it's just being replaced with even worse, less educational, and more scripted bullcrap shows, right?

The Discovery Channel is going full retard like TLC, History, and MTV.


I think TLC should be legally obligated to change it's name. It's no longer The Learning Channel. It should be called "The Circus Sideshow Channel".

And no, I don't watch it. I do know what shows are on it though.


never understood why people are so happy or why they waste their time posting about a show if it's really so bad.


"never understood why people are so happy or why they waste their time posting about a show if it's really so bad."

....and I never understood why someone would waste their time posting on a thread where nobody gives a rat's a$$ about what you don't understand...
... it's a discussion board... not a fan board...

I agree with the OP... this show has been dragged out 9 years too many... good riddance ... only 999 more POS "reality" shows to go....

"I don't argue with idiots, they bring me down to their level and beat me with experience"
